20 Delusions That Shape How Liberals Vote



It is instructive to consider the premises that underlie the liberal view of the world.  These are the ideas that determine their votes in elections; ideas that could shape the future of our country.  Taken together, it is striking how detached from reality the beliefs are.  The list could be much longer, but consider the following 20 beliefs from the imaginary world where liberals live.


  • The “Affordable Care Act” will reduce the cost and increase the quality of health care, because if you want something done efficiently and economically, then you definitely want unionized government bureaucracies to handle it.  History has demonstrated that bureaucrats provide efficient service at lower cost.  If we can eliminate consumer choices and let a government monopoly take care of things, like managing all health care, that is a dream worth fighting for.
  • President Obama is correct that “we don’t have a spending problem” and Nancy Pelosi is correct that government is cut to the bone and “there is no place left to cut”.
  • It is morally acceptable to borrow massive amounts of money from our grandchildren to support our own current consumption.
  • The 22 trillion dollars spent on the War on Poverty was quite successful in reducing the number of people in poverty.
  • As you look at the plight of women around the world, it is clear that the most important problem for feminists to concentrate on is free birth control for American women.
  • The Social Security Program is a trust fund where your money is placed in a government account for you and invested intelligently.  That money belongs to you and you will be guaranteed a good return.  It may be true that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are headed for certain bankruptcy without major reforms, but the people who want to talk about reforms to protect the programs from collapse are just mean people.  We should stay on the course we are on.
  • Political “compromise” means move to the left and only to the left.   Those who do not understand this are “obstructionists”.
  • The most serious problem effecting black communities is that racist policemen are shooting young black men for no reason at all.  The facts around the Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin cases show that these two fine young men did nothing to provoke the racists who killed them.  This proves that our racist country has not really improved at all since the 1950’s.  The lynch mobs in the streets, and the lynch mob organizers in these two cases have the moral high ground.  There is just no reason in the Michael Brown case to spend much time seeking the facts when you know the policeman is white.
  • The way to help black people is to teach them that none of their problems are their fault and none of the solutions are their responsibility.  The good men in the racial grievance industry, like Sharpton and Jackson, are creating the kind of anger that will lead to a brighter future.
  • All the problems in black communities are caused by racist Republicans who want to return to segregation and are trying to keep blacks from voting.  It was racist Republicans in the South, who tried to keep black people out of white schools and keep them sitting at the back of the bus.  Fortunately, the Southern Democrats worked hard to stop this Republican racism.
  • The earth has been warming very rapidly in recent decades.  The polar ice caps are disappearing and polar bear populations are dying from lack of ice.  ‘Climate change’ means that it is much warmer, colder, wetter, drier, and stormier than ever before.  And it is going to get much, much warmercolderwetterdrier in the future.  There is good news, though.  Politicians in this country can vote to change the world’s climate to be an ideal climate.
  • Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.  The fear that Islamic Jihadists represent a supremist, totalitarian ideology, similar to Nazism, only worse, is an irrational fear called “Islamophobia”.
  • The best available evidence from intelligence agencies and from those on the ground during the Benghazi attack was that there was a demonstration about a YouTube video that got out of hand.  Administration officials reported the best information they had to the public with no consideration given to upcoming elections.
  • President Obama immediately authorized the military to do every single thing possible to protect our Benghazi heroes.  As the law requires, he immediately granted Presidential authorization for rescuers to cross the Libyan border, an essential first step in the rescue.  As our men fought bravely for many hours, begging for help, our Commander in Chief was doing everything he could to rescue them.
  • There is “not a smidgen of corruption” in the IRS.  Some people say there was an organized effort to silence the political speech of those extremists who want limited government, but the whole, so called , ‘problem’ was just a couple of agents in Cincinnati who made a harmless mistake.  There was “nothing political about this at all”.
  • The “Fast and Furious” gun-running program was a sensible plan to sell weapons to drug cartels and then track these non-trackable weapons right to the doorstep of the drug kingpins.  Those who question Holder’s and Obama’s story on this (or any other) policy are racists.
  • The rules for stopping the spread of highly contagious diseases should be shaped by politics and multi-cultural sensibilities.
  • With the right politicians in power, people will be given their expanded human rights.   Everyone has a right to a certain standard of living including good housing, food, education and medical care.  Progressive politicians can make these goods and services free for anyone who wants them.  If politicians who really care vote for more free stuff, it will just be there.
  • The concept “earn” must be replaced by the concept “deserve”.  People deserve things, so liberal politicians will reshape reality to create that wonderful utopia where people have everything they want. The leaders in the past who have tried this and have left only blood and poverty in their path were doing it wrong.  We can do it right this time. Forward!
  • If a government program does not work and creates more problems than it solves, you can fix it by spending more money.  If the intentions of the program were good, then it’s a good program regardless of the results.

The mainstream media, popular culture and the education establishment live primarily in this imaginary world.  They believe in it and they teach it.  They also teach a strong sense of moral and intellectual superiority to fellow believers.  They are the good people.  And, despite the detachment from reality of their voting premises, they consider themselves the smart people.

Our country’s future will be determined by this:  Do the voters who live in reality outnumber the voters from the world of liberal delusions.














5 thoughts on “20 Delusions That Shape How Liberals Vote

  1. Bryce et al, seems ye have “caught on” to the power derived from suspended belief in empirical evidence. In it’s purest form, enlightened moon-bat ideology requires but two essential elements: 1) wish it to be so and 2) be politically correct about the former. Mixed in proper proportions, this alchemy shall save the world from itself! Together, if we all wish hard enough, while remaining dogmatically compliant to focus group derived wishful objectives, moon-bat utopia will one day amount to so much more than just flying around in the dark. Trust me.

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