A Little Help For Team Obamacare


On Tuesday, President Obama issued an appeal to his permanent campaign organization, Organizing For Action, to get activists out there on the street selling Obamacare.   The video appeal urged his utopian dreamers to form the “Team Obamacare” army to tell people, “what the Affordable Care Act will mean for them.”

In the interest of helping Team Obamacare with that effort, I have compiled a list of talking points that they could use to explain the real-world effects of this law:

  • If you like your Doctor, you may not be able to keep your Doctor,
  • If you like your insurance plan, you may not be able to keep your insurance plan,
  • If you like more expensive premiums, you will be happy to know that for the vast majority of people, your premiums will go up — for most people way, way up.
  • If you like high deductibles, many of you will find that your deductibles will be so high that your policy is almost like having only catastrophic coverage.   The first 10 or 12 thousand dollars of medical expenses will come directly out of your pocket.
  • If you like losing your full time job and becoming a part-time worker, this transition is happening to many workers across the country as a result of Obamacare.  Many others are losing their jobs completely.
  • If you like consuming things for your personal benefit now, but asking your children and grandchildren to pay for it in the future, Obamacare may accomplish that better than any legislation in history.  It will be the black-hole of future debt, costing much, much more than the original projections.
  • If you like the idea of your personal medical records being on government computers where they may be accessible to government bureaucrats who may be interested in seeing them, this law makes that possible.
  • If you like the idea of having a greatly enlarged IRS enforcing a significant part of Obamacare, you will get that, too.
  • If you like a law that will be applied unequally, with special favors being granted to favored groups, this law has already shown that it can easily be used that way.  We can punish our enemies and reward our friends.
  •  If you like the idea of limiting you choices in insurance coverage, this law makes it illegal for companies to offer policies that may suit the desires of some groups of consumers.  Politicians have decided what you should want in a policy and if that makes the policies more expensive, just remember that they know what is best for you.

And now the best argument for Team Obamacare activists who understand the real game plan:

  • If you want the government to have complete and total control of health care, the coming Obamacare debacle is simply Step 1.  When this law fails, we will blame greedy insurance companies and greedy doctors for the failure and we will say the only solution is Single Payer.  Checkmate.


One thought on “A Little Help For Team Obamacare

  1. If you want to want government to pay for your premiums, you can just lie about your income and assets. No checks have been set up to determine the truthfulness of your claim.

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