Trayvon And The Big Lie


It’s almost overwhelming, the multitude of absurd race-agitating actions and words coming from those who refuse to accept the facts and law as to the Zimmerman trial.

–  William Jacobsen, Professor of law, Cornell  –

Something evil is happening in our country right now.  We have seen it before.  In fact we have seen it many times, but this time the orchestration of evil is especially obvious.

The Racial Grievance Industry is in the business of keeping hate alive.  In their quest to foster racial animosity, race hustlers pick cases to publicize to ”prove” that whites are forever racist.  This evil enterprise gives them undeserved power, prestige and money.  It creates a solid, angry block of voters who do not understand that their “leaders” may be the most destructive force in their culture.

Martin Luther King dreamed about a day when people would be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.  Most of us share that dream.  The race hustlers have the opposite dream.  For them, skin color, racial identity, is everything.  And they will not tolerate any judgments about character.

If you look closely at the genesis of the Trayvon Martin story you can see the race hustlers at work.  This was a well organized public relations campaign planned by professionals.   The primary actors had profited from creating racial grievances in the past and knew just what buttons needed to be pushed to create hate. It was an election year and this activity is called “motivating the base”, or, more accurately, “motivating the base instincts”.

Our Department of Justice played a key role in the beginning by helping in the organization of a completely fake “student protest group” called the “Dream Defenders”.  The organizers were not students, but instead were paid activists with ties to ACORN and Occupy. You can see a video and more documentation on this hate group here.  The Department of Justice was helping a bogus group create racial animosity.  The group marched on the Sanford Police Department and succeeded in getting the police chief fired.

This was just the beginning of the Department of Justice’s many injustices in this case.  A team of FBI agents was sent to interview the people who knew George Zimmerman best.  They wanted to prove that he was a racist.  They found the opposite.  They found a man who tutored black children for free, who went to bat for a homeless black man who had been assaulted, whose black friends said he was not in any way a racist.  As with other parts of this case, the facts are being completely ignored.  The fictional story still takes precedence.

After the verdict, the Department of Justice sunk even lower by opening a hot line to solicit dirt on the man who had just been found not guilty in a court of law. If they can keep the hate alive, they are certainly going to do it.

This is a sick enterprise on two levels.  For George Zimmerman, he is the victim of a political persecution based on a collection of lies which are still being promoted at the highest levels.  Like the man who made the Muhammad movie, Zimmerman is the recipient of a government organized hate campaign.  Rewards have been offered for Zimmerman’s murder and the Department of Justice shockingly does nothing about it except fan the flames.

At a higher level, our country suffers incalculable damage from the never-ending efforts to create racial animosity.  The race hustlers teach each new generation of black Americans the following destructive lesson:  You are perpetual victims with no chance of success and all of your problems are someone else’s fault. Few things harm black people more than this lesson from their “leaders”.  These old leaders need to be rejected and replaced with new leaders who have a positive vision of personal achievement and personal responsibility.

The entire scam that is being used in the Martin/Zimmerman case follows a pattern that is common to other government deceptions. It’s time to unmask the technic.  The scam has 3 parts.

1. The Big Lie; Setting the Fire -  A racist white man in Sanford chased down and shot a little black boy, demonstrating what a racist country this is. The Benghazi attack was caused by a video.  Sarah Palin was responsible for the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords.  Etc.. These are fact-free assertions.

2. Fanning the Flames – The lie is widely publicized by those who share the political goals of the liar.  We see an explosion of supportive stories.  For example, leftist lackeys like NBC are happy to edit tape to support the deception. Those being lied about assume an unjustified defensive position.

3. Moral Posturing by the Arsonists – Those who set the fires now pose as the firemen.  There they are, speaking from on high, lecturing about the danger of these fires and calling on us to do some soul searching about our evil ways.  Obama and Hillary perform this part of the scam quite well.  It’s contemptible behavior.

Andrew McCarthy understands how the scam is orchestrated at the top and he exposes it brilliantly in “The Obama Administration’s Race-baiting Campaign”.  Do take the time to read his excellent column.

In the Zimmerman case, you will not understand the enormity of the lies being sold to the public unless you understand the facts of the case.  It’s a tragic case but not a complicated case.  We know that Trayvon chose to confront Zimmerman, because he had walked home and then walked back to the area of the assault.  It seems clear that he threw the first punch (and apparently all the punches) as he straddled ”the creepy-ass cracka” on the ground.  Trayvon had no signs on his body that Zimmerman had hit him.   Trial witness Rachel Jeantel agrees that Trayvon threw the first punch but says that Zimmerman should have known that Trayvon was just going to administer a little “whoop-ass” and should have known that Trayvon wasn’t going to kill him.

If some strong young man was pounding your head into the concrete, “MMA style”, you may not understand that it was ‘just a little whoop-ass’.  And if the young man beating you said, ”You gonna die tonight” that may raise your fear level a bit.  Trayvon was not unarmed.  He had two arms with fists attached.

The lesson from the Trayvon/Zimmerman encounter is this.  Not every whoop-ass ends the way you had imagined.  This one ended very badly.

Can you extrapolate from this event that white people in America are racist and are responsible for this assault?  No logical person could infer that.  But here are some people who can.

Chris Matthews: “Can I just take a second to apologize on behalf of all white people?”

Jesse Jackson is calling for a boycott of Florida which he calls “an apartheid state”.  He says, “It’s time to call on the United Nations Human Rights Commission for an in-depth investigation of whether the U.S. is upholding its obligations under international human rights laws and treaties.”

Al Sharpton organized angry divisive rallies across the country.  Speaking apparently of white people in general, Sharpton told a Baptist Church audience, “…They saw a young man that was vulnerable and killed him….  we have no rights.”

AP reporter Cristina Silva:  “So we can all kill teenagers now?”

Nicki Minaj: ” We just paid to see a murderer walk free after killing an innocent unarmed little boy”

Richard Dreyfuss: “It’s 2013 and an American jury just acquitted a man who admitted to stalking and killing an unarmed child.”

race bait church








This is all a diversionary tactic to keep you from looking at the real problems.  Let’s look at what they want you not to see.  The Bureau of Justice Statistics reported that approximately 8 to 9 thousand African Americans are murdered in the U.S. every year. That’s more than the total number of servicemen killed in Iraq plus Afghanistan.  93% of these murders are committed by blacks, mostly young black men.

Some of these victims were unarmed.  Some were young.  Some were named Trayvon.  Some looked like they could have been Obama’s son.  Obama could have gone on TV and said, “They could have been me 35 years ago”, but he didn’t.  No marches were organized in their honor because no racial animosity could be generated that way.  Individual murders matter only to the extent that they suit the truly sinister goals of the Racial Grievance Industry.

Using government crime statistics, Pat Buchanan reported:

 “An analysis of ‘single offender victimization figures’ from the FBI for 2007 finds blacks committed 433,934 crimes against whites, eight times the 55,685 whites committed against blacks. Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white — with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007. Not one case of a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the FBI study.”

Though blacks are outnumbered 5-to-1 in the population by whites, they commit eight times as many crimes against whites as the reverse. By those 2007 numbers, a black male was 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse.

If interracial crime is the ugliest manifestation of racism, what does this tell us about where racism really resides — in America?

The problem is actually worse than the statistics indicate and the Trayvon Martin case is a good illustration.  The Miami Dade school District has it’s own police force.  Police Chief Charles Hurley, in collusion with school district leadership, launched a plan to lie about crime statistics in the school district.  The plan was specifically aimed at under-reporting the crimes of young black males.  When Trayvon Martin was caught with stolen jewelry and a burglary tool, the crime was not reported and no attempt was made to see if the jewelry matched a reported robbery.  It was all hidden.

Another race based fraud was recently uncovered at Winston-Salem State University.  Administrators routinely and fraudulently raised the grades of African-American students.  The plan was exposed by a few honest faculty members.

Don’t you think it is time that we stopped this nonsense and faced problems honestly?

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Watch Bill Whittle’s forceful commentary on this issue:



Trayvon In Black And White

Trayvon 4

The Trayvon – Zimmerman case is interesting for reasons that go far beyond the case itself.  I paid close attention this week as the prosecutors of this second-degree murder case presented their evidence.  In varying degrees, each prosecution witness was transformed into a defense witness on cross-examination. Some were devastating to the prosecution even on direct examination.  Zimmerman’s story was reinforced, not weakened.

This is a political prosecution, a show trial.  The case is in the courts because the professional race-baiters, the leftist politicians and the leftist media want it there. Each of these entities profits in different ways from this unjust prosecution.  Each of these entities benefits from stirring up racial animosity.

After this case is over, and Zimmerman is acquitted, the violence and hatred that follows should be blamed on those who turned this case into yet another way to make sure that racial wounds never, ever heal.

Here is a sample of the hatred that is being created by the lies surrounding this case.  These are just of few of many comments from the haters:

kill cracker

Trayvon Martin Fans Tweet Death Threats If George Zimmerman Is Found Not GuiltyTrayvon Martin Fans Tweet Death Threats If George Zimmerman Is Found Not Guilty


Matthew Owens

When the Trayvon story was originally crafted, the race hustlers sold the false narrative that a little black child was hunted down and shot just because he was black.  In their election year agitation, they whipped up some destructive mobs and created significant racial violence.   For example, a group of young blacks in Mobile, Alabama severely beat a white man, Matthew Owens.  He was beaten with bricks, brass knuckles, , chairs and pipes.   One attacker said, “Now, that’s justice for Trayvon.”

As I have watched the news coverage of the first week of the trial, it is clear that some news outlets are intent on continuing with the fabricated story, regardless of the evidence presented at trial.  Their reporting often bears shockingly little resemblance to the actual testimony.  This misreporting will increase the outrage among blacks when Zimmerman is acquitted, and will very likely result in more violence and destruction.  Will the mob-creators be proud of their accomplishment?

The effort to create and sustain racial animosity is a despicable enterprise. Those who orchestrate the anger, posing as advocates for black people, are doing great harm to both blacks and whites and to the cause of racial harmony. Martin Luther King’s dream of a colorblind society will never occur as long as we give a respectful ear to the professional race-baiters.  They are disgraceful and should be treated as such.

In the trial testimony this week, there was evidence of racism in the encounter between Zimmerman and Martin, but it was not the racism the prosecution was hoping for.   Rachel Jeantel was on the phone with Martin when Martin noticed a man in a car following him and watching him.  Martin told Jeantel that the man (Zimmerman) was ” a creepy ass cracker”.

We do have evidence (not part of court testimony yet) about Zimmerman’s attitude toward blacks.  In Zimmerman’s home town, the son of a policeman sucker-punched a homeless black man for the fun of it and the 2010 incident was caught on video.  The police department ignored the assault, as though the black man did not matter, and that offended Zimmerman’s sense of justice.

Zimmerman passed out flyers calling for an arrest and calling for the Sanford police chief to be fired.  There was an arrest and Chief Tooley was fired.  This kind of civic concern for others is what would prompt a man to join the crime-watch team in his neighborhood.

As a side note, Trayvon also had a noteworthy incident involving a homeless man.  Trayvon and his friends came upon a homeless man being beaten up by a man who wanted to steal his bicycle.  Trayvon filmed the fight with his cell phone.  The audio track is Trayvon and his friends laughing as they watch.

Clarice Feldman wrote an excellent column at American Thinker about the Trayvon – Zimmerman case.  She starts out like this:

The  Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman case has come to trial this week and the best  thing that’s been said about it is from Thomas Maguire: “I’m proud to say I live  in a country where the show trials look  more like an SNL [Saturday Night Live] skit.

You will enjoy reading the whole thing here.  And there is an excellent summary by Mike McDaniel here. It is entitled, “Week 1: The Narrative Spontaneously Combusts”.


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fill my headThe “instructions” can be good or bad; constructive or destructive. 

We must push aside the destructive voices.