Hurricane Sandy: Obama’s Blessing in Disguise

Until the past 48h., things were not looking too good for the President’s reelection hopes. The swing-state momentum was firmly behind Romney, who saw polls putting him even with Obama in Democratic strongholds like Pennsylvania and Michigan.  Not only was Romney riding off of strong debate performances, but a few incredibly negative news stories were starting to develop…

On the domestic front, a story about Chrysler, one of Obama’s marquee bailout achievements, was starting to develop about Fiat’s new decision to move manufacturing of the Jeep to Italy from the US.  One could not ask for a more stark and convincing example of poor government management of private industry resulting in the off-shoring of American jobs.

Obama’s bigger worries, however, were coming from a story that cast doubt on his leadership in foreign affairs.  The story of what happened in Benghazi gets worse by the day, and revelations over the weekend depict a White House that willfully hung our SEALs and Libya ambassador out to dry when action meant tough political decisions.  The story makes Bush’s 11th hour DUI revelation look like a formal letter of recommendation from the UN, but all media outlets not owned by Newscorp refuse to cover it.  Just when the Benghazi story took a turn for the worse, Hurricane Sandy came to the rescue.

Rather than watching President Obama struggle to answer this:

The press got to show Obama act Presidential:

I’ll let Mr. Krauthammer take it from here…

Worst Magic Trick of All Time?

What do Jack Welch, Rush Limbaugh, Rick Santelli, and the US labor department all have in common?  They’ve all known for months that the unemployment rate would be just under 8% the month before the election…

Good magic tricks are both unpredictable and subtle.  The 7.8% number put out by the US Labor department for September was neither. Every major economist at every bank and independent group measured the unemployment rate to be between 8.1% and 8.2% for the month of September.  Most economists predicted the employment gains correctly at around 120,000 for the month.  The “establishment” employment numbers confirmed their prediction at 114,00.  Since that number doesn’t keep up with the monthly population growth contribution to employment of 150,000, economists predicted that the unemployment rate would edge up from about 8.1% to approximately 8.2%…

But wait! What is this behind your ear Uncle Sam? Oh, look at them apples – over 800,000 new jobs magically appeared in the “household” indicator!  No one saw that one coming (except for every conservative “conspiracy theorist” for the past six months)!

If Obama’s little magic trick doesn’t make you feel like a embarrassed parent quietly texting your spouse that you will NEVER HIRE BOZO THE EX-CON CLOWN MAGICIAN AGAIN for your child’s birthday party, then you are obviously the child.  The mastoid process behind your ear is also a winning penny slot machine.  Congratulations.

How a “Busy” Obama Could Have Been Better Prepared for the Debate

Last night’s debate inspired total panic on the left.  For a campaign whose motto is “Forward”, there was enough political side-stepping in the post-debate review on the left to make viewers wonder if they had accidentally tuned into the Discovery special on Christmas Island’s crab mating migration.  Probably the best sour grapes line of the evening was that the president didn’t have as much time to prepare, on account of being president and all…

When the tears of sympathy stopped flowing, I got to thinking about what Obama might have done to get ready for the debate.  Where in Obama’s 24/7 schedule of managing the free world and turning around the Great Recession could he have possibly found time to prepare for the most important debate of his presidency?  Then it hit me… a crazy idea that would involve some serious soul-searching sacrifice for Obama.  What if, bear with me now, Obama had spent 33% of his golf time playing with congressional Republicans?

Historic Golf Course Multitaskers

President Obama has played 104 rounds of golf since he took office by the last count.  The president is a notoriously slow golfer and takes around 4.5 hours per round of golf.  That means that he has golfed for approximately 468 hours since taking office.  Given that a normal work week is 40 hours, that means that Obama has spent about 11.5 weeks of his presidency chasing around the dimpled ball.  That averages out to just over three weeks a year spent on the golf course (in addition to one month of vacation).  With the one notable exception of the “golf summit” round with House Speaker Boehner, most of Obama’s three golf weeks per year are spent with celebrities and advisors who spend the day trying to shank drives and tell the President how great he is.  “Sacrificing” just one of those weeks to discussing the economy with House and Senate Republicans while playing golf might have helped the President prepare for someone actually disagreeing with him off teleprompter.  It could have provided 27 days of prep time for the debate in addition to the 3 days he spent in Vegas prepping against debate legend John Kerry.

There would have been other benefits to taking a multitasking businessman approach to golf and conducting a little business 33% of the time he was on the golf course.  It might have been possible to convince at least one of your new golfing buddies to have voted for any of his major legislation like Obamacare or Dodd-Frank.  That would have provided some shred of evidence for the public that President Obama isn’t the most divisive partisan president in our nation’s history.  It might have also been possible that one of those golf buddies could have convinced Obama to support Simpson-Bowles, which would have provided a great bit of evidence that the president isn’t the most divisive partisan president in our nation’s history.  Finally, the golf outings would have provided photo evidence and talking points that Obama was constantly trying to work out deals with the congressional Republicans… and not the most decisive partisan president in our nation’s history.

America’s Recession-Busting Record: A Non-Partisan History

Perhaps the most studied aspect of economics is the “boom and bust” cycle of a free-market economy.  The Left will claim that the unhealthy oscillation of the economy is due to an unpredictable market place where under-regulated speculators of various types (real estate, stocks, currency, etc) create a bubble of false wealth that eventually pops.  The ensuing recession that occurs post-pop leads to unemployment and wide-spread misery disproportionately shouldered by the middle and lower classes.  The Left claims that the only way to avoid such catastrophes is to regulate the irresponsible risk-takers and revive the economy with spending and stabilizing regulations.

The Right has a different take what causes the boom-bust cycle.  As per the free-market crowd, economic booms and busts tend to be the result of government meddling in an otherwise rational system.  Government regulation, federal reserve currency policies, and other market distortions create the bubbles and then retard the recoveries.  From the Right’s perspective, recoveries can only happen when the market-distorting government interventions are removed and marginal tax rates are lowered.

So, who is correct? Both sides can line up impressive lists of Nobel Laureates to make their case.  To say that the debates can get complicated and tedious to follow is an understatement. Rather than get mired in esoteric theory, let’s take a look at how each side fared in the history books.  Below I have listed the three most interventionist presidents and the three most free-market presidents of the last 100 years.  The measure interventionist vs free-market was determined by a mix of marginal tax adjustments and regulations enacted under their presidencies.  The results would be surprising to any Republican or Democrat.

The Interventionists:

1. Herbert Hoover (Republican)

The single greatest act of revisionist history in the world of economics was to call President Hoover a symbol of laissez-faire capitalism. Hoover signed the notorious Smoot-Hawley tariff of 1930, which raised US tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods.  The act and retaliation to it by other countries was said to have reduced US imports and exports by over half.  Many argue that it is one of the primary causes of the great depression after the federal reserves wild expansion of money supply and credit (sound familiar?).  To make up for the lost market, Hoover signed in massive subsidies to farms and business, increasing government’s share of GDP by over a third. Late in his first (and only) term, President Hoover enacted another interventionist policy: The Revenue Act of 1932.  The act enacted the largest peacetime tax hike in US history. The income tax was raised from 24% to 63% in the upper bracket. The interventions of Hoover were so egregious, that then candidate Franklin Roosevelt criticized him for overspending, interfering with trade, and putting millions on the government dole.  FDR’s running mate, John Garner said Hoover was, “leading the country down the road to socialism”.  The supposed symbol of free market capitalism lost the election because he was pegged as a socialist by FDR.

2. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat)

After running against Hoover’s failed interventionist policies, FDR would go on to use the crisis to enact many more interventions into the US economy.  FDR had even given election promises including a balanced budget, return to the gold standard, and a 25% reduction in spending.  In his first three years, government expenditures rose by over 80%. Over his tenure the income tax would climb from 63% to over 94% in the upper bracket.  The corporate tax rate was raised from 13.5% to 40%, and the capital gains tax rose from 12.5% to 39% in 1937 and then was lowered to 25% by 1942.  Quite possibly the most interventionist policy of his presidency was the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) of 1933.  The NIRA put most manufacturing industries under government control and regulated what prices goods and where they could be sold.  It was fascism in its purest form (see definition of economic fascism here), and lasted until the Supreme Court struck it down as such in 1935 (the only reason FDR is in second place).  FDR also enacted the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in 1935 with the Wagner act which took labor disputes out of the courts and put them under the federal government.  Union membership skyrocketed on the heels of the act.  There were many more acts and spending programs enacted throughout FDR’s four terms.

3. Barack Obama (Democrat)

President Obama has enacted sweeping regulations of the economy during and in the wake of the Great Recession.  A combination of massive regulations and planned tax hikes put him in third place behind FDR & Hoover for most interventionist president of the last 100 years.  In the wake of the credit-induced recession of 2008/9, president Obama promised to hike income taxes from 35% to 39.6% (+.9% medicare tax).  The capital gains tax rate would be raised from 15% to 20% (+3.8% medicare tax) and the dividend tax will rise from 15% to 43.4%.  Medical device companies will see a 2.3% tax on revenues, which translates to about a 15% tax increase on profits (35% corporate rate raising to approximately 50%).  From a regulatory perspective, President Obama enacted the Dodd-Frank bill, which controls how credit is issued in the United States and gives new capital requirements.  The act has effectively halted small business loans and slowed the non-subprime mortgage market as banks try to interpret the new mountain of red tape (see Economist article here).  President Obama passed a massive intervention of 1/6th of the US economy with the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (AKA Obamacare).  The bill will effectively control the health insurance industry and what services/technologies will be compensated by Medicare/Medicaid.  In addition to sweeping regulations and tax hikes, Obama maintained the extremely high (and market distorting) spending pace of President George W. Bush’s last year throughout his presidency.

The Free-Market Presidents:

1. Ronald Reagan (Republican)

President Reagan presided over the largest tax cuts in US history and substantial de-regulation of the economy.  Over his tenure, the top income tax rate decreased from 70% to 28%, the corporate tax rate decreased from 46% to 34%, and the capital gains rate fell from 28% to 20% (and then came back up to 28% by 1987).  Reagan issued an executive order in 1981 that required that regulatory agencies had to prove that the potential benefits of their regulations would outweigh the potential costs before the regulation could be enacted.  He would also go on to symbolically break the union stranglehold on American business by busting the air-traffic controller strike.

2. John F. Kennedy (Democrat)

President Kennedy, the father of trickle-down economics, gave a speech in 1963 to the Economic Club of New York extolling the virtues of a marginal tax cut.  He claimed that his income tax cut from 91% to 70% (top bracket) would lead to economic growth and increase tax revenues in the long run.  He also cut the corporate tax rate from 52% to 48%.  Though he didn’t live to sign the bill, President Kennedy gets the credit.

3. William J. Clinton (Democrat)

Clinton may have raised the individual income tax rate from 31% to 39.6%, but he was also responsible for the one of the largest capital gains tax decreases, from 28% to 21%, in US history. Other contributions that earned him third on the list were not tax related retreats from government intervention.  Under his presidency a landmark free trade agreement was signed (NAFTA), and a balanced budget amendment that would dramatically rein in government spending was enacted.  The federal government under Clinton contracted enough to create budget surpluses by the time he left office.

The Results:

The interventionist presidencies are all characterized by abnormally long and deep periods of recession. President Hoover inherited a credit bubble collapse and chose to pile onto a weak economy with a trade-crushing tariff and almost tripled the tax rate.  When FDR swept him out of office with promises of fiscal restraint, he went on to build on Hoover’s failed policies of higher taxations, spending, and created a partial fascist state level of industrial control.  The economy was severely damaged with this one-two punch and the longest and deepest depression in our history resulted.  President Obama has chosen to repeat the mistakes of the depression with his tax and regulatory legislation.  The credit bubble recession created by the federal reserve and government housing policies was never allowed to correct itself with the Dodd-Frank bill and extreme Federal Reserve and Treasury department policies he enacted.  In addition to the credit freeze in the country, health care regulation and massive tax increases have frozen business decision-making and held trillions of dollars of private capital on company books and overseas.

The three free-market presidents had a great deal of success with their policies.  President Reagan inherited an extreme inflationary recession and turned it around to one of the strongest growth periods in our nation’s history. JFK’s tax cuts also led to strong growth rates and very low unemployment.  President Clinton’s policies led to a balanced budget and a roaring economy in the late 1990′s.

The history of free-market vs interventionist presidencies is surprisingly non-partisan.  Both lists are split between Republicans and Democrats.  The one commonality is that free-market policies have yielded consistently higher growth rates no matter what economy was adopted by the president.  Interventionist policies have consistently retarded growth and led to protracted recessions.

How Romney Can Win With a Mandate

It is panic time for the Romney campaign.  We are in the final stretch toward the most important election of our lifetimes, and Romney’s campaign still hasn’t left the starting blocks.  The fact that he is as close as he is to an incumbent president in the polls is a powerful testament to the failure of our current leader, not shrewd tactics from Romney’s campaign team.  By every measure, Obama’s policies have been an unmitigated disaster to the United States.  Until this past month, Obama could claim to have some solid footing on foreign policy, but now even that part of his presidency is proving to be an epic fail.  It would be hard for a cardboard cutout to poll any worse than Romney given the circumstances.

So, how do you lose what should be the easiest election against an incumbent president since Richard Nixon?  The problems to date widely recognized by the pundits and a very confused electorate are the following:

  1. No one has any clue what Romney’s positions are.
  2. There is no sense of urgency.
  3. The public only knows Obama’s lies as to why we are in a recession.
  4. Romney has been defined entirely by the Obama campaign.
  5. The public doesn’t know how to get out of the recession.

There is an easy way to answer all of these concerns and a way of giving the nation a secure understanding of how Romney will turn us around:

Three to Five 30-minute “Fireside Chats” discussing the most important topics of the day.

These fireside chats will accomplish the following things that state to state campaigning, 30-second commercial advertising, and media outlets cannot:

  1. Provide a clear explanation of our current situation.
  2. Debunk the left’s lies about what caused the Great Recession.
  3. Give the sense of urgency of how important this election is.
  4. Give a clear concise message of what Romney will do to save the economy.
  5. Provide powerful sound bites and themes to carry through November.

Though important, Romney cannot depend on the debates to accomplish these objectives since they will largely be run by highly motivated liberal moderators who will keep the subjects to personal attacks and issues they know are republican losers like contraception and abortion.  He needs to control the medium and content to correctly define his positions and explain how he will save the United States.

The “fireside chat” tradition was started by FDR early in his presidency, when he addressed the nation with radio speeches organized into what he considered to be the most important topics.  The best candidate to have recent success with speaking to specific problems and solutions in a controlled 30 min format was Ross Perot.  He attracted a huge audience (over 16 million) and used very simple charts and graphs to explain subjects in a way that resonated with the public.  Though he was unable to ultimately capture votes from party loyalists, he had powerful support with the independents, that same 5-10% that Romney now so famously said were his focus at a fundraiser earlier this year.  Most importantly, it will allow Romney to take control of the national narrative that has been dominated by the Obama camp to date.

Below are suggestions for subjects and the information that could be presented in each.  The following proposal lists important topics and gives a synopsis of what has happened under the “Obama Record”.  Some of the points should be illustrated in pictures, charts , and graphs that will show the magnitude of the problem.   After the synopsis, there is a description of what “Romney’s Plan” would accomplish and why it will address the problems that have festered under Obama’s presidency.


Obama Record:

  • Labor force participation rate Jan, 2008 to Aug, 2012: 66.2% è 63.5% or about 3.7 million fewer jobs than the beginning of 2008.
  • 8.1% unemployment only made possible because of those dropping out of the force.
  • 5.2 million long-term unemployed.
  • 7.3% decline in median household income ($4K per family).
  • 15% poverty rate.
  • Over 46 million on food stamps as of Aug, 2012… up from 26 million in Jan, 2008.
  • Over  $2 Trillion in cash sitting on company books.
  • Hundreds of billions sitting outside the country because of tax concerns.
  • Regulatory uncertainty freezing business activity.
  •  Frank-Dodd freezing nearly all small business loans.
  • Obamacare driving medical innovation offshore.

Romney’s Plan:

  • Create an environment for business to invest and grow.  North of $2 Trillion of money sitting on balance sheets and off shore that would go DIRECTLY to investment in R&D and hiring, not the favors and pension padding of Obama stimulus dollars.  That money will go to where it gets the best return.  Under Romney that is in the US, under Obama that is offshore.
  • Lower business taxes to 25% and cut out loopholes.  Lower taxes will bring in offshore money and increase the returns for domestic dollars.
  • Repeal Frank Dodd, which will lift the freeze on banks to lend to small business.  Business start-ups have to go to “mom and dad” because Obama destroyed their ability to get money from banks.
  • Repeal Obamacare.  The device tax is a company killer and 1/6th of the economy is in lock down as companies try to figure out regulations that are still being written.  Show examples of companies that are taking their innovation dollars overseas.
  • Reduce regulations that make US investment onerous.  Name some of the bad ones.
  • Encourage energy production in the US.  Give numbers to show our untapped reserves.  Give numbers to show how many jobs can be created.  Mention that the oil will either be refined in our “green” refineries or seriously pollute in unregulated Chinese facilities.
  • Grant work visas to any foreign national who gets a graduate degree in the US.  Stop educating the world’s innovators and then sending them away.


Obama’s Record:

  • Higher tax rates kill growth.  Period. This has been shown by the likes of even liberal economists Christine Romer and John Maynard Keynes. It is something that scares business and has created uncertainty.
  • Outsourcing at an accelerated rate partly in anticipation to higher business taxes (and partly due to increased regulations). Even the head of Obama’s jobs council, GE’s CEO Jeffrey Immelt is shipping thousands of their jobs off-shore.
  • Money made in the global markets does not return to the US because of high business taxes.
  • Over 50% of companies in the US file as S-corps and will see large tax raises well ABOVE the Clinton levels.  That directly drains from hiring.
  • Obama’s tax cuts were temporary, econ 101 shows that temporary cuts do nothing to spur the economy.
  • The tax code is horribly confusing, counterproductive, hurts the little guy, and allows the rich to hide their money.  It needs to be completely reformed.  Describe what simplification means. Give real world examples.

Romney’s Plan:

  • Make the Bush cuts permanent.  It will send a signal that S-corps and investors will continue to get good returns on investments in the US.
  • Decrease the corporate tax rate to 25%.  This will directly free up money for hiring & innovation and encourage companies to keep their facilities in the US.
  • Give a one-time tax break for repatriating the hundreds of billions from overseas.  This will provide a real stimulus directed by those who actually make jobs: businesses
  • Cut out loopholes in the code and simplify.  The lower rates with fewer loopholes will actually be a more progressive tax. Describe what the loopholes are going to be with examples!
  • Give examples of how much easier it will be for someone to fill out their taxes and not feel like the IRS is always out to get them.


Obama’s Record:

  • On the Road to Greece.
  • Taxpayer money was spent to create jobs in foreign countries.
  • Taxpayer money was spent to promote and fund gas drilling by Mexico and Brazil.
  • Debt looks benign because interest rates are low. As soon as rates go up it will crowd out other government spending and lead to economy crushing taxes, on everyone
  • Over $6 Trillion added with little to show for it.  Cost per job created is an astonishing figure.
  • That equates to $55,000 of debt per household added under Obama.  Do you feel better off now?
  • Stimulus didn’t stimulate anything but uncertainty about the future.
  • At current rate of spending (and Obama projected budgets), we will have to take a 750 billion annual haircut on government programs in 10y just to service interest.

Romney’s Plan:

  • Reagan, Keynes(!), JFK, and even Clinton (large capital gains tax cut) showed that the best way to raise revenues is growth-inspiring tax cuts.
  • Entitlement reform!  Show how to bend the curve and preserve the social programs.  Show what kind of cuts you have to do if the budget is left under current projections.
  • Show the Bain Chief’s abilities to identify and cut waste out of systems with examples.
  • Show example of states and how they beat their deficits: New Jersey, Wisconsin, Massachusetts (under Romney), Indiana and contrast it with Obama style states like California and Illinois that raised taxes and pandered to labor interests.
  • Other good stats to show:

Sound Money

Obama’s Record:

  • Fed continues to benefit Wall Street at the expense of Main Street under Obama.
  • Show how much purchasing power has decreased in the past four years and who that hurts.
  • Show the increase of money supply and show what that means for future “poor taxing” inflation when banks start lending.
  • Adds uncertainty to the market.

Romney’s plan:

  • Replace  Bernanke with someone who will protect the value of money
  • Give business the kind of long-term certainty they need to make decisions.
  • Mirror what Reagan did with Volcker to get us out of the Carter mess


Obama’s Record:

  • Everyone thinks Bain was some financial engineering group that hurt companies for shareholders
  • Convinced the public Romney is pitching the same toxic policies that got us here in the first place.

Romney’s Pitch:

  • Romney’s business history was to create a firm that engages distressed companies or divisions and turn them around.  Banks and institutions lined up to lend to Bain’s companies because of Romney’s record returning the money and building enterprises with it.
  • It doesn’t makes sense that a corporate raider who would loan companies up with debt and fire everyone would be a called upon by the Olympic committee to rescue them from too much debt… or for the people of Massachusetts to vote in a REPUBLICAN to rescue them from crushing debt and the nation’s worst job creation rate.
  • Romney went into a debt-crushed state and came out with a surplus, tax cuts, and maximum theoretical unemployment. Obama went into a debt-crushed country and came out with double the debt, tax hikes, and 3.8 million fewer jobs…

A series of talks that illustrate the above points in clear simple language, using charts, graphs, and real world examples, would win over the undecided and elect Romney with a mandate to put us back on the track to free markets.  If Romney doesn’t reveal a clear plan, we will have four more years of Obama and solidify a “new normal” of high permanent unemployment, low growth, and steady progress to a debt crisis that will inevitably remove our status as the international superpower.

Nationwide Stockholm Syndrome

The latest numbers are out on the economy, and things have been worse than we thought:

GDP revised lower, manufacturing orders fall

The GDP was revised from an anemic 1.7% growth rate down to 1.3% growth through Q2 of this year (the half-way point).  That officially puts us .5% behind Canada for the same period.  Other great news included that the demand for long-term durable goods decreased 13% in August, about 10% worse than we had thought….

But who cares? Terrible economic news to Americans these days is like telling someone in Chicago that a kid got shot on the south side. People shrug and mutter a lackluster “bummer”, but no one seems to have an emotional response to bad news anymore.

Perhaps even more disturbing, it seems as if the worse things get economically, the higher Obama’s ratings go. People are starting to believe that being trapped in a government-induced recession is the new normal.  There is a growing perception that the Obama administration masters are controlling our lives for the better and we should be content with the impossible hoops we have to jump through to get a small business loan now or that chasing investment capital off-shore is better for us… It can only be described as national Stockholm Syndrome. The problem with Stockholm Syndrome is that the victim no longer wants the cure…

Balance Sheet Woes Coming To Roost…

Mr. Pinard, a good friend and small business owner in Texas, was talking to me recently about the frustration of having to watch the mud-slinging between the two presidential candidates.  In the melee of gaffs, gotcha commercials, and character attacks, he noted that no one was talking about the worst threat to our future: the debt.  Mr. Pinard has to make sure that his books are balanced 365 days a year.  If he were to fail to bring in more revenue than he spends, he would have to slow the growth of his company and even fire people.  If the problem were to persist, he would go out of business.  The only difference between Mr. Pinard’s home health business and the US is the timeline.  Mr. Pinard doesn’t have a Ben Bernanke there to bankroll poor management and pass judgement day to a future generation.

The delay between action and consequence is the only reason that democrats are still taken seriously today.  Like a spoiled child gambling in Las Vegas, they have little concern or awareness of the bills they are racking up.  Even the president of the United States couldn’t answer how much his country owes to lenders.  When confronted, Obama and other democrats use a reliable excuse they’ve been using for decades ”the debt doesn’t pose a short-term problem”.

That is no longer the case.  On Sunday, Bryce wrote a great article describing how the debt not only poses a threat to our economy, but also our national security.  The threat is no longer a problem for our children and grandchildren.  It is our problem now. Thanks to the rapidly accelerated spending started under Bush and carried on by Obama, our day of reckoning is only one or two presidential terms away.  It begins as soon as the Fed raises interest rates:

The following graph is the federal budget in 2011 as per the CBO:

And the following are the tax reciepts for 2011:

When looking at the above graphs of the US balance sheet, two things stand out:

  1. There is a gap of $1.295 trillion between the numbers.  The wealthiest nation in the world was taxed at one of highest rates (in relation to GDP) in its history in 2011 and produced $2.303 TRILLION for our masters to do what they need to do.  They ended up spending 156% of that amount.  This has been the story since 2008 and isn’t giving any sign of letting up soon.
  2. The graph doesn’t include Obamacare and the extra $500 billion of additional annual interest we’ll be paying by 2018, after the fed raises interest rates to more “normal” levels.  Austerity anyone?  Who and what are we cutting to make this happen?  Social Security? Medicare? Infrastructure?

This isn’t a lofty discussion of politics or conjecture.  It is simple math.  By the time your kids entering college are out looking for a job, we will be facing Greece-like cuts.  Your money will be going toward a return for Chinese debt holders, not updating the bridge you cross every day or hiring a teacher at your local school.

The two pies presented above should be in the back of our minds every time a politician speaks.  This our balance sheet.  Ask yourself how long we could survive spending 156% of what we make… because that is exactly what each and every one of us is doing right now.


From Hale to Obama: How Far We’ve Come…

In September 1776, Nathan Hale, a 21-year-old soldier of the Continental Army, volunteered to go behind enemy lines in New York City in order to spy on British movements in the area.  General Washington needed to know what route the British would be taking to lay siege to Manhattan and believed that the only way to know was to send over a spy.  Hale was a newly minted first lieutenant in the Connecticut militia and had not yet been in combat.  When the request came from General Washington, he was the sole volunteer.  Despite knowing the punishment for spies was swift execution by hanging, his sense of patriotic duty far outweighed the risks to his life.

Shortly after he ferried over to the British position in Long Island, the Brits invaded and took over Lower Manhattan and forced General Washington to retreat to the northern side of the island.  Despite disguising himself, the young inexperienced spy was identified in a pub by a British loyalist.  Nathan Hale was lured into a revealing his identity by the man and arrested in Queens on September 21, 1776.  He spent the night in a prison where he was denied a bible or clergyman.  The next morning, a highly composed and stoic 21-year-old Hale was led to the gallows where a noose was placed around his neck.  The only courtesy extended to those guilty of spying was the allowance of final words before pulling the noose tight:

“I only regret that I have one life to give for my country.”

Though barely out of college and without children of his own, Nathan Hale went to his death proud of his decision to defend liberty for his country. Since his death, many thousands of Americans have followed his selfless path in defense of our lives.  These people have never met the millions of Americans for whom they are giving the ultimate sacrifice.  They do it based on a belief that they want to leave a better world to their children and fellow countrymen… and that that is worth everything.

Hale’s story and those like it lie in stark contrast to what we saw out of our current president Tuesday night who spent his evening on a comedy talk show in leu of dealing with our country’s current crisis:

After deflecting all responsibility for the deficit he doubled to his predecessor, Obama went on to talk about how a certain class of people should “sacrifice” more to pay for the problem.  Hundreds of billions of our current and future tax dollars were spent by his administration to shore up union pensions and strengthen his constituencies.  This is a man who chose a Reverend who preached we got what we deserved on 9/11 and a wife who said she didn’t feel any pride in American until her family was running the show.  Rather than reach across the aisle and come up with a solution to our nation’s problem, he dug in his heels and funneled money to his constituency.  His ”apple of discord” approach to politics is shamelessly pitting Americans against each other to gain favor:  He won over the AMA by saying the primary care doctors deserve more than surgeons… Wall street was blamed to gain favor with Main street…  Rich are blamed for making money off the backs of the poor.  If there is any political gain to be won by demonizing a minority group of his fellow Americans, Obama doesn’t hesitate.

Is this the legacy Nathan Hale was imagining when he held his head high for the hangman’s noose?

And the Outsourcer of The Century Award Goes To…

President Barack Obama!

It is very intuitive that the spectacular deluge of regulations and taxes unleashed on US industry by the 44th President would be extremely detrimental to business and grind our economy to a near stop.  The last time we saw a massive tax increase and regulatory takeover of the economy in the face of a recession was under Herbert Hoover in 1932. It would take the greatest war the world has ever seen to pull us out of the depression that resulted. If you need an illustration of how taxes and regulation hurt the economy, consider the following example from the med tech industry:

Lets say you are a running a small medical device company trying to survive in our so-called “free” country.  It costs you between $35 million and $90 million to get a new device approved for use in the US.  It also takes you between 5 and 10 years of R&D and regulatory to get FDA approval and there is well over a 75% chance that your company will fail along the way (run out of cash, the device doesn’t work, a test subject has a lawyer relative, etc). You watch as an unregulated low-cost internet industry takes over the VC community that used to fund medical technology ventures.  Your life is one of regulatory and financing hell and your family hates you because there is a good chance that the next bump in the road will be the end of your company.  The only humor in your life is a sad chuckle when you hear a delusional acquaintance say that it’s the NIH that actually ”invents” things.  You stay focused on the supposed pot of gold that waits for you at the other end of the minefield you’ve chosen to navigate.

Now imagine if, in addition to your woes, the President and Democratic congress declare an all-out war on your industry.  The FDA is given a “stonewall mandate” as internal whistleblowers are unleashed on the agency to root out any industry friendly regulators and blackball privileges are given to even low ranking officials.  Taxes are promised to be raised 33% on investment capital which will not only drain the pool of financing you need, but steer it even further towards low-cost unregulated alternatives like a college programmer with a hot idea.  Mid-tier med tech companies that might buy yours are run out of the nation or swallowed up by bigger companies because their small margins can’t take the special med tech tax in Obamacare (2.3% of revenues can look a lot more like 23% at the bottom line).  That same Obamacare med tech tax (used as Chicago-style punishment to the industry for not supporting Obamacare) drains billions of dollars from the pot of gold (med tech acquisition budgets) that you and other small med tech companies look to for cashing out after all the hard work.  Now you are competing with the other companies for a much smaller exit value, much like the animals in a nature special surrounding a small African watering hole during a drought…  And then your elected representatives in government add “comparative effectiveness studies” to the list of things your diminished money supply will somehow have to pay for.  These are studies that could stop most groups from compensating your technology, even if it somehow gets through the Obama FDA. You have to show that your technology is cost-effective… unlike nearly any technology right after launch before economies of scale can bring the price down!  At what point do you fold up shop and/or leave the country?

Am I being overdramatic? Look around you.  Pick up the paper.  What do you see?  And this is before the real regulations are slated to kick in…

Here is an example of one such company:

This next company obviously doesn’t have a lot of faith in what Obamacare will do for our markets.  If only the CEO had a chance to talk to the president about it…

It is hard to imagine that this the same country of 20 or even 10 years ago.  In my youth, there was a worry that the Russians would invade the US and replace freedom with socialism at the point of a gun.  The man who brought down the Red Army warned us it would happen another way, and only take a generation to accomplish: