Senator Hiram Revels Would Be Ashamed Of President Barack Obama

The front page of has been running a story by John Blake entitled, “Parallels to country’s racist past haunt age of Obama“.   From start to finish the article is a blatant attempt to paint the entire Republican agenda as a plan to restore racial segregation and institutionalized discrimination in the United States.  Mr. Blake uses anecdotal stories of the N-word in twitter accounts (though presumably not referring to the twitter responses to Stacy Dash’s tweet) and complaints about “black flash mobs” alongside citing any opposition to Obama’s legislative agenda as examples of Republicans trying to undo years of racial progress made by the courageous Democratic party through the years.  Mr. Blake uses the example of Senator Revels and failure of the Reconstruction movement to draw an analogy to today’s President Obama and the failure of his “post-racial” legislative agenda.  The analogy is very appropriate, but not for the reason that Mr. Blake presented.

It is important to understand historical facts before addressing how shockingly false and malicious Mr. Blake’s article really is.  When one moves beyond the rhetoric and looks at the historical achievements of the Republican party, it is shocking that any African-American votes Democrat:

  • 1865 – Republican Abraham Lincoln won the civil war and abolished slavery.  Good start for the party.
  • 1870 – Republican Hiram Revels is elected to the US Senate.  The first black man to be elected to the US Senate got some support from Democrats because they thought that his election would break the Republican party.
  • 1870 – 1948 Not much happened for the Black population of the US despite powerful presidencies of Democratic heroes like FDR and Truman.
  • 1948 – Republican Dwight Eisenhower forces desegregation of the armed forces against strong opposition.  After Brown vs Board of Education, Eisenhower famously deploys the 101st Airborne Division to forcibly desegregate schools in Little Rock, AR.  He declares racial segregation a national security issue and establishes the Civil Rights Commission and puts a permanent civil rights office in the Justice Department.  The first civil rights legislation since the 1870′s, the Civil rights act of 1957 was passed despite strong Democratic opposition. Senate Democrats did manage to water down the bill so that a second voter rights bill was necessary.  Partially at the request of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. President Eisenhower passes a follow-up voter protection civil rights act of 1960, again against strong Democratic opposition.
  • 1964 – Democratic President LBJ passes the landmark Civil Rights Act against Democratic opposition in congress.
  • 1970 – Republican President Richard Nixon signs the Philadelphia Plan and Affirmative action is born (yes, Richard Nixon is responsible for Affirmative Action).  Though not pertinent to racial issues, it is also interesting to point out that Nixon is responsible for the Equal Rights Amendment guaranteeing equal rights for Women under the law.
  • 1983 – Republican President Ronald Reagan makes Martin Luther King, Jr day an official federal holiday.  In 1988, he would expand and strengthen the Fair Housing Act of 1968.
  • 1991 – President George H. W Bush appoints the second African-American Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas.

The road to equal rights under the law was largely paved by Republicans. However, most Republicans (sans Nixon), view legal equality as the just end goal fo legislative activity.  Until the time of the Civil Rights act, Democrats largely sought to deny civil rights to the African-American population.  Since then, the Democratic party started a new, though equally devastating, policy towards the African-American population.  The plan was to create an entitled dependent class that would get “special” protections and privileges under the law.  Such special privileges would be justified by stoking racial tension and convincing the African-American population that anything short of special treatment under the law is oppression.  Quotas, affirmative action, and over-reaching anti-discrimination laws that make it very easy to sue employers were passed ensuring that people would always doubt the accomplishments of minorities and make employers think twice about employing people that they would not be able to fire. The measures ensured that African-American unemployment would always remain high. In addition to destructive “special” privileges under the law, entitlement programs were geared towards the African-American population and created a dependent class that required government handouts to survive.

This narrative of this policy is clearly illustrated in Mr. Blake’s CNN article.  Anyone who denies that narrative and points out the devastating consequences of those policies is deemed a racist.  The Democratic party has been using narrative of racial strife, special rights, and government handouts to manipulate the African-American electorate into voting for them.  Any African-American who votes against the Democratic party is viciously attacked as a sell-out or “uncle Tom”.

Manipulating the black vote for personal benefit by keeping old conflicts and hatred alive is by no means a characteristic unique to the modern Democratic party.  The same immoral and powerful narrative was used by the Republican party for a short time in the 1870′s.  One courageous man stood up to his own party and publicly denounced the strategy:

Since reconstruction, the masses of my people have been, as it were, enslaved in mind by unprincipled adventurers, who, caring nothing for country, were willing to stoop to anything no matter how infamous, to secure power to themselves, and perpetuate it….. My people have been told by these schemers, when men have been placed on the ticket who were notoriously corrupt and dishonest, that they must vote for them; that the salvation of the party depended upon it; that the man who scratched a ticket was not a Republican. This is only one of the many means these unprincipled demagogues have devised to perpetuate the intellectual bondage of my people…. The bitterness and hate created by the late civil strife has, in my opinion, been obliterated in this state, except perhaps in some localities, and would have long since been entirely obliterated, were it not for some unprincipled men who would keep alive the bitterness of the past, and inculcate a hatred between the races, in order that they may aggrandize themselves by office, and its emoluments, to control my people, the effect of which is to degrade them.

The man behind this courageous quote was ex-senator Hiram Revels, in 1875.  The Republican party had been using slavery and the crimes of the civil war to secure the black vote.  Senator Revels knew that the only way to move on to a post-racial society is to come together and stop stoking up racial and cultural hate of years past.  He even voted to give confederates citizenship if they swore an oath of loyalty to the US.  He knew that the hate narrative continued by President Grant to secure political points would ruin the Reconstruction efforts and negate the powerful symbolism of his own election into the US senate.  How ironic that an article designed to fabricate stories of white oppression and stoke the fires of racial strife would highlight the most courageous figure in US history to rage against such tactics.

The article concludes by asking how Senator Revels might feel if he could see Obama and America in 2012.  That one is easy to answer:  Senator Revel would have seen a familiar historic election of an African-American to an office that had never been available to his race.  He would have celebrated the promise that election held to launch America into a post-racial era.  Now imagine if after the promise and hope that election gave, the party that achieved it falsely used racial hate and divisiveness to secure political gain.  For once we don’t have to speculate what his reaction would be, because the story is the exact same as what Senator Revel experienced 140 years ago.  We can safely assume that he would hang his head in shame.

Odds ‘n Ends

Bill Clinton yesterday at a poorly attended rally in Palm Beach:  “I may be the only person in America, but I’m more excited about Obama this time.”

Biden today in a campaign speech:  “There’s never been a day in the last four years that I’ve been proud to be his Vice President.  There hasn’t.”

Harry Reid’s response to Romneys speeches about cooperation: “Mitt Romney’s fantasy that Senate Democrats will work with him to pass his ‘severely conservative’ agenda is laughable.”



Published in a Prague paper last year:  “The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting an inexperienced man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president… The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince… The Republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of Idiots such as those who made him president.”


Breitbart reports – How desperate is hurricane-ravaged New Jersey? Not desperate enough to suspend a union monopoly that keeps the state in the bottom ten states for economic competitiveness (and #48 for business friendliness). Relief crews from Alabama who were specifically called to New Jersey found themselves diverted to Long Island, NY after they arrived because they use non-union labor.


Fox News Channel’s Catherine Herridge last night reported on a newly discovered cable indicating that in August, less than a month before the attack, the diplomatic post in Benghazi convened an “emergency meeting” concerned about local Al Qaeda training camps.

Also, the State Department was warned that radical Islamists were “gathering weapons and gathering steam” three hours before attack.  They even named the Al Quada related groups as the ones gathering weapons  …the very groups that attacked a few hours later.  And they reported that “security” people were caught taking pictures inside the consulate that day.  Hillary’s office did nothing.

Hillary’s story about a video demonstration gone bad is beyond absurd.


 For some fun,  watch Steven Crowder “re-distribute ” Halloween candy….

About That Investigation…

The President has said that he has ordered a “very thorough” investigation of our Benghazi response.  He said that no one wants to get to the bottom of this more than he does.

Yesterday, the President’s press secretary, Jay Carney, was asked if the President was involved at all in the investigation.



Carney said:

“He has not participated in the investigation. He is anticipating results that show us exactly what happened and who is responsible and what lessons we can learn from it and ensure it never happens again. He expects the investigation to be rigorous.”

What did the President do on the night of September 11?  In the evening meeting in the situation room, what orders did he give?  What requests for help did he deny? Were heroes Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty still fighting for their lives when he went to bed?  Who invented the “demonstration that got out of hand” story?  Who asked Susan Rice, Jay Carney and others to repeat that absurd lie?  Who is managing the cover-up at this point?  Who is orchestrating the lies and deception?

Be honest, Jay.  The President does not need an investigation to know what he did.  He already knows “exactly what happened and who is responsible”.   And despite all the attempts by you and the other media lackeys to hide the truth, many Americans have a pretty good idea of who is responsible for this disaster.

It’s just one more thing that will motivate us to get to the polls on Tuesday. Just wait and see.


Greta talks to an angry ex-Marine -


Karin McQuillan has a good summary of some of the more blatant Benghazi lies.  The following excerpt begins with a damning quote from Obama:

… the minute I found out what was happening, I gave three very clear directives. Number one, make sure that we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to. … I guarantee you that everyone in the state department, our military, the CIA, you name it, had number-one priority making sure that people were safe.

This is the blatant lie that condemns the liar.  The president says here that immediately, “the minute I found out what was happening,” he gave the order to the military, the CIA, to everyone, to secure our personnel in Benghazi and do “whatever we need to.”

Yet the undeniable fact is that nothing was done.  We know that the CIA security agent in Benghazi, Tyrone Woods, asked for permission to rescue Ambassador Stevens when Stevens was still alive and in the safe room.  Woods was told twice by the CIA to stand down.  He then disobeyed direct orders and rescued the survivors at the consulate, but it was too late for Stevens and Sean Smith.

Secretary of Defense Panetta tells us the military had gunships and Special Forces less than two hours away in Sicily but felt it was too “risky” to send in reinforcements or air cover.  It would have been normal military procedure to pre-position air cover and assets from Sicily to Benghazi, but Panetta says this was not done.  The air support and FAST platoons, we are told, were left in Sicily.  All the U.S. military did was send two unarmed drones to observe the battle.

So if President Obama is not lying about his directives, he is saying that the CIA and the Defense Department and our military chain of command disobeyed the direct order of our commander in chief to do everything in their power to rescue our people under attack in Benghazi.  And that as commander in chief, Obama did nothing in response to their dereliction of duty.

That doesn’t happen.  No one believes that; the president is lying.  He did not issue directives to the CIA, our military, and State to “secure our personnel” and “do whatever we need to do.”


Note:  The image at the top was created by a military special ops group.  They posted it to Facebook and Facebook took it down.  They posted it again, and Facebook took it down again.  After a huge number of complaints, Facebook reversed their censorship.

Twitter also intervened to censor political speech.  Several hashtags about Benghazi and the cover-up were blocked.  It is very disturbing to see information managers like Facebook and Twitter intervening to censor political opinions.

The Next Thud You Hear

Our theme here at realitybatslast is that there is an objective reality that exists independent from human wishes.  People can have socialist utopian delusions; but reality always has the last vote on whether that delusion can succeed.  It can’t and it won’t.  Ever.

C. Edmund Wright has an article at American Thinker today that supports our theme very well. It’s definitely worth reading.  Here’s an excerpt:

…truth does not require validation from those who refuse to acknowledge it. Truth is…period. The next thud you hear will be the unhappy realization of this fact from many on the left. Their philosophy works only in theory and never passes the reality of human nature.

Obama has been like Wile E. Coyote in animation — sort of running in place, with no foundation underneath him since his ’08 campaign.  Only the David Axelrod cartoon world of astroturfed events and issues, supported by a fawning media, has kept him suspended this long.  The crash will happen because it has to happen.

Hurricane Sandy: Obama’s Blessing in Disguise

Until the past 48h., things were not looking too good for the President’s reelection hopes. The swing-state momentum was firmly behind Romney, who saw polls putting him even with Obama in Democratic strongholds like Pennsylvania and Michigan.  Not only was Romney riding off of strong debate performances, but a few incredibly negative news stories were starting to develop…

On the domestic front, a story about Chrysler, one of Obama’s marquee bailout achievements, was starting to develop about Fiat’s new decision to move manufacturing of the Jeep to Italy from the US.  One could not ask for a more stark and convincing example of poor government management of private industry resulting in the off-shoring of American jobs.

Obama’s bigger worries, however, were coming from a story that cast doubt on his leadership in foreign affairs.  The story of what happened in Benghazi gets worse by the day, and revelations over the weekend depict a White House that willfully hung our SEALs and Libya ambassador out to dry when action meant tough political decisions.  The story makes Bush’s 11th hour DUI revelation look like a formal letter of recommendation from the UN, but all media outlets not owned by Newscorp refuse to cover it.  Just when the Benghazi story took a turn for the worse, Hurricane Sandy came to the rescue.

Rather than watching President Obama struggle to answer this:

The press got to show Obama act Presidential:

I’ll let Mr. Krauthammer take it from here…

Inverted Morality

Dinesh D’Souza recently debated Michael Shermer at Oregon State University.  The debate topic was, “Is Christianity Good for American Politics”.  D’Souza is an author, educator and, most recently, the creator of the movie, “2016: Obama’s America”.  Shermer is the founder and publisher of Skeptic Magazine.

This short clip conveys two very important points about morality and political philosophy.  Dinesh has the same ability that Milton Friedman had to clearly explain complex ideas.

Compulsion removes the virtue from human interactions.  Free choice is a pre-requisite of moral action.

Dinesh make good use of the wagon analogy.  There are people pulling the wagon in this country and there are people sitting in the wagon. Our current wagonmaster is doing 3 things that are making our situation worse. He is whipping the horses that are pulling the wagon, rather than thanking them. He is filling the wagon with many more riders. And he is relentlessly teaching the people riding in the wagon to be angry and envious rather than grateful.

We should not be surprised.  After all, generating anger and a sense of entitlement is what a community organizer does.  That is the job description.

(Thanks to reader Rick Moulton for the video link.)

A Fundamental Threat

Pat Caddell is one Democrat who has had all the lies he can stomach.  He is angry at his party for all the right reasons, including that group of Democrat activists we call the mainstream media.

Discussing Benghazi, Pat Caddell says the press has “been in the tank on this in a way I’ve never seen… I am appalled right now. This White House, this President, this Vice President, this Secretary of State, all of them, are willing apparently to dishonor themselves and this country for the cheap prospect of getting reelected…willing to cover up and lie. The worst thing is the very people who are supposed to protect the American people with the truth – the leading mainstream media…they have become a threat, a fundamental threat to American democracy and the enemies of the American people… these people have no honor… coverup is too nice of a word…”

Britt Hume points out that the mainstream media are strangely underplaying the Benghazi debacle.  He says,  ”The mainstream organs of the media … would be after this like a pack of  hounds if this were a Republican president.”  Read the story at the Daily Caller.

Hume pretends to be surprised, but he is not,really.  He knows the unwritten rules that the mainstream media live by.  The media are very predictable once you understand that:

The media act as defense attorneys for liberals
and prosecuting attorneys against conservatives.

Each bit of new information about Benghazi makes the Administration look more inept and cowardly.  It appears that we had  two AC-130U gunships in Libya.  That is a mean machine, perfect for the battle at hand.  There were also two drones in the air over the battle.  It is highly likely that they were armed.  The former Navy Seal who was “painting” the target with a laser knew perfectly well that that you do not expose yourself by shining the laser unless you believe that the capacity to fire is overhead.

I know of no information that would counter the judgement that for at least 6 hours, Americans were desperately calling for help, but a decision was made not to help them.  Bing West, former Assistant Secretary of Defense, adds to the story here.  An excerpt:

The Secretary of Defense and the President have issued contradictory explanations. Either Mr. Obama ordered the Secretary of Defense to “do whatever we need to do,” or he didn’t. And either the secretary obeyed that order, or he didn’t. And he didn’t.



Odds ‘n Ends

The Obama campaign is targeting young people, the popular culture groupies.  In the ad below, a young woman is suggesting to young women (specifically virgins) that they should get screwed by Obama.  No, really.  She is apparently unaware that young people have already been thoroughly screwed by this man. If only they understood what George Will is telling them in “Mugging Our Descendents”.

You may enjoy Steven Crowder’s parody of this ad:

Young Zombies For Obama:

This is a good summary of the promises, hypocrisy and failure of this President:


Craig Andresen has a very hard-hitting analysis of Benghazi here.


One of the intriquing aspects of the Benghazi story is that there are good reasons to believe that the CIA annex facility, about a mile from the consulate, was part of a secret operation to get weapons to the rebels in Syria.  It appears that the “help” that came from Tripoli on the night of the 11th were CIA people, not military.  They went to the annex, not the consulate.  It is conceivable that Tyrone Woods was told to stay at the annex because we did not want whatever is stored at the annex to fall into enemy hands.  You can read about the arms-running angle to the story here.

Obama’s Fog of War

It’s all so confusing.  People in the consulate are on the phone telling us they are being attacked.  We can hear the explosions.  Is there trouble there, I wonder?

A Navy Seal working at the CIA annex a mile away is reporting the attack and wants permission to go help the people under fire in the consulate.   And he wants me to send help.  Golly, should we let him help?  Should we send more help?

Nah.  Let’s just watch the action unfold on our live video feed from our drones over the battle.  Now, this is a real battle, right?  It’s confusing, because I’ve seen things like this on TV …and they usually turn out OK.

You say it’s real?  And you say Tyrone Woods called back begging for permission to go help our Ambassador and the others?  He’s pleading with us again to send in reinforcements as fast as we can?

I’m just not sure what to do.  Tell him to stand down.  We just don’t know enough yet to tell if an invading force attacking our consulate is a serious problem.  The important issue here is that I don’t need a problem in the middle of my campaign.

So now Tyrone Woods is back at the annex with the 20 people he rescued (against orders) and he retrieved the dead body of Sean Smith.  Ambassador Stevens is missing.  Woods is manning the machine gun on top of the annex building and he has a laser pointed at the terrorist’s mortar launching site.  He says our gunships can use that to target the enemy.  He is begging for help.  Should we mobilize to get a response team there as fast as we can?  We need your permission to cross the border of a country with military force.

I just don’t know.  It’s all so foggy.  We have Americans, outnumbered, desperately fighting for their lives and it is just not clear at all if we should do everything we can to help.

Later….  Mr. President, can you explain what happened on the night of September 11?

We are thoroughly investigating what I did and at some point, after the election, I’ll know what I did that night.   We may consider reporting that information to you at that time.  Just remember that in the fog of war it won’t be easy for me to find out what I knew, who I talked to, and what orders I gave.  You will just need to be patient while we sort it out.  Just know that I care very much about the safety of our people in Libya and that I relayed accurate information to Americans just as fast as I got it.

Wrong On So Many Levels…


Today we have some stunning new information about the Benghazi attack.  We already knew that Ambassador Stevens had asked for more security several times.    His superiors ignored that request and removed most of the security he had.  Now we know that on the night of the attack there were at least three urgent requests for help.

The story is best told if we follow the actions of former Navy Seal, Tyrone Woods.  Woods was working for the CIA and was not a guard for Stevens.  Woods was at the annex, about a mile from the consulate, when he heard the first shots of the attack on the consulate.  He reported the attack and requested permission to help.  Permission was denied.  About an hour later, he again requested permission to help rescue those at the consulate.  Permission was again denied.

Woods disobeyed orders and went to the consulate to help his fellow Americans under fire from the terrorists.  This is what heroes do, and Woods was a real hero.  Woods group rescued those who were still alive at the consulate, and took them back, under fire, to the annex.   They also retrieved the body of Sean Smith, who had been killed in the initial attack.  They could not find Ambassador Stevens.

They called for help a third time as they took their positions in the annex.   Woods, and ex-seal buddy  Glen Doherty manned machine guns on the tops of the annex buildings.  They radioed for help again.  They told their superiors that they had a laser pointed on the area that the incoming mortars were being launched from.   Air support could have used this laser to pinpoint the target.  But no significant help ever arrived,  even though we had serious military assets about an hour and a half away.

Six hours and 20 minutes into this fight, heroes Woods and Doherty were killed by an incoming mortar.  As Navy Seals, they must have been bewildered by the lack of help.  Seals would never leave their buddies behind in a situation like that.  Never.  You stand strong for your buddies and your country at all cost.

It is clear that those in positions to do something were well aware of the dire situation in Benghazi.  They knew the details as they happened, including a live video stream from the drone above.  They knew that a local al Qaeda group was bragging about the attack as it happened.  Someone chose not to act.  Someone chose to sell a story about a video and “a demonstration that got out of hand”.

The President went to bed before Woods and Doherty were dead; before anyone knew where Ambassador Stevens was.  He had to rest up for a campaign event in Las Vegas the next day.   This whole Benghazi thing was “just a bump in the road”, he later said.  No biggie.  It’s just about a video, you know.

Fast forward to an interview given by the father of Tyrone Woods.  Charles Woods said that he and his wife had intended to remain silent, but that the proliferation of lies has forced him to speak out.  When his son’s body was returned to Andrews Air Force Base,  Obama,  Clinton and Biden each had a brief encounter with Charles and his wife.  Each inappropriate encounter tells you something about the quality of the people involved.

Hillary said, ‘We will make sure the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.’

Biden said, in an extremely loud voice, ‘Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?’

George described his interaction with the President this way:  “Shaking hands with him quite frankly was like shaking hands with a dead fish. His face was pointed towards me but he would not look me in the eye. His eyes were over my shoulder and not in a forceful voice said ‘I’m really sorry Mr. Woods.’”

“And I could tell he was not sorry. He had no remorse.”

Leon Panetta responded today to the new revelations about the three desperate, unanswered pleas for help by saying, essentially,  “It woulda been kinda hard to help, and we don’t  want to just jump into things that are kinda hard.”  Semper Fi

How embarrassing.

Update 10-27 – A CIA spokesman released this statement last night:

“No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate.”

Yesterday, Denver TV reporter, Kyle Clarke, asked President Obama if requests for help in Benghazi were denied.  His response:

 “The election has nothing to do with four brave Americans getting killed and us wanting to find out exactly what happened. These are folks who served under me who I had sent to some very dangerous places. Nobody wants to find out more what happened than I do.”

So there you have it.  The Benghazi debacle has nothing at all to do with this election.  And nobody wants to find out what Obama did that night more than he does.  What did he know, what orders did he give?  He is working very hard to find the answers to those difficult questions.

Update 10-28  The CIA was first to issue a CYA (cover your a__) statement. They said  no one in the CIA told anyone not to help our people in Benghazi.  In response, the White House released this:

“Neither the president nor anyone in the White House denied any requests for assistance in Benghazi,”

So we know there were several desperate pleas for help that reached the highest levels.  And we know that those in charge, who did not respond in any meaningful way are pointing fingers at each other and denying responsibility.  It is a digusting spectacle.