Allen West: Social Security Is ‘A Form Of Slavery’

Allen West: Social Security Is ‘A Form Of Slavery’.


It is an extremely rare treat to see someone who understands human nature and is willing to describe A as, well, A. There is no question that as soon as a politician creates a dependent class, those people’s free will is diminished. Ironically, the “free” things you get from the government come at the cost of your freedom.  Like a pedophile driving an ice cream truck touting free Eskimo Pies, the temptation to reach for something tasty comes with a diabolical agenda.  In the case of social security, the sweet temptation of saving our elderly by securing a guaranteed income for them has created a powerful tool for those who now control the livelihoods of millions of citizens over the age of 65.  They are no longer free to vote for what is right because they planned to have a master later in life.  If we follow the piper into the shackles of dependency, how can we be surprised when the captor uses it as leverage for power?  Right on the heels of true emancipation from lingering slavery (Civil Rights Movement), Johnson’s Great Society plan would pull millions right back into dependent servitude…

The Only Real Revolution | by Bryce Buchanan

“Happily for America, happily we trust for the whole human race, they pursued a new and more noble course. They accomplished a revolution that has no parallel in the annals of human society. . . . In Europe, charters of liberty have been granted by power. America has set the example . . . of charters of power granted by liberty.”

– James Madison

Throughout history, small groups of men with political power have controlled the masses of men by force. On every continent, stretching back through the centuries, the pattern was essentially the same — a pharaoh, king, emperor or dictator had ultimate control over the lives and fortunes of his subservient followers. The underlings were taught that their proper role was to serve those in power. Whatever small freedoms the common men had were considered to be gifts from the sovereign — gifts which could be taken away if the sovereign chose to do so….

Read the rest at:  The Only Real Revolution | FrontPage Magazine.

The End of Civilization As We Know It.

Economist Northrup Buechner writes:

We may be seeing the beginning of the end of the model for civilized governance that has dominated Western civilization since WWII. That model has been provision by the state of all or most of the needs of its people combined with the popular election of the government. Or, in other words, the welfare state plus democracy.


What we are seeing in Europe is that that model is inherently unsustainable…

It’s a good summary of why the West is in trouble. Check it out here:  Current Events: The End of Civilization As We Know It | Objective Economics.

Articles: The Constitutionality of the ObamaCare Tax

Good column at American Thinker blog:

In this ruling, Chief Justice Roberts reminds us of something preeminently important: we, the voters, are the ultimate enforcers of the Constitution, and the ultimate protectors of our liberty and freedom. If we want to prevent Congress from meddling in our lives, then we need to elect a Congress that will take away Congress’s ability to meddle. We need to elect representatives who think income tax credits and deductions based on non-income activities are actually unconstitutional penalties. In turn, those representatives will appoint judges who think the same way and pass laws which reflect this belief. If we want the Supreme Court to protect our liberty and freedom, then we need a President who will appoint liberty-loving justices, and a Senate that will confirm them.

via Articles: The Constitutionality of the ObamaCare Tax.