Trayvon/Zimmerman – An Update

ZimmermanThose of you who are following this case have most likely noticed that there are two increasingly divergent stories to follow.  There is the evidence of what actually happened and there is The Story of what happened… the narrative invented and pushed by the racial grievance industry.

The persecution prosecution has rested it’s case and it is clear that The Story is a fabrication with no supporting evidence.  That out-of-control hateful racist who hunted down and shot a black child for no reason never existed.  No evidence of racism was presented, other than Trayvon’s comment to Rachel that a ”creepy ass cracker” was watching him.

It is clear from eye-witness testimony and Zimmerman’s injuries that Trayvon punched the creepy ass cracker in the face, jumped on him and was pounding his head into the concrete, in ”mixed martial arts style” according to the eye-witness with the best view of the assault.  Zimmerman was  screaming for help.  Blood from his broken nose was running down his throat.  His airway was further obstructed by Trayvon placing his hand over Zimmerman’s mouth and nose to stop the screaming.

The question before the jury is this:  would a reasonable person feel that their life was threatened in this situation?  Would self-defense be justified?

The charge of second degree murder does not fit the facts of the case at all.  This is a show trial created in a pathetic attempt to appease the real racists who demanded it.

I have not seen evidence that Zimmerman did anything wrong.  Volunteering to be part of a neighborhood watch team is certainly not wrong.  Calling the police about suspicious behavior is exactly what the citizens in this crime ridden neighborhood were supposed to do.  Seeking to find an address, to give the police better directions, took Zimmerman to the area where the assault took place.  Zimmerman cannot be faulted for that.

If you think Zimmerman is a nefarious character who deserves punishment, go through the evidence and tell me what Zimmerman did that was wrong.  I am not asking what he did wrong in The Story.  I am asking about the evidence presented in court by the prosecutors, who were there to prove what an evil criminal Zimmerman was.   They have rested their case.  What was their case?

There are some very good summaries of the details of this trial here and here.  What follows is an excerpt from each link:

“This unraveling of the State’s theory of the case under the relentlessly unfavorable testimony of their own witnesses was the norm, rather than the exception, in this trial. One by one, the State’s witnesses were consistently co-opted to testify favorably to the defense, shown to be substantively lacking in credibility, or at best to testify ambivalently on the events at issue. Witness after witness found themselves subject to the raised, angry voice of State prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda practically shouting at the witness–his own witness!–that in fact they knew nothing about anything, isn’t that true?”


“Before I launch into the news for the week of July 4, readers that have not yet seen George Zimmerman’s reenactment of the events of February 26, 2012, should visit Greta VanSusteran’s blog where she has the video.  It goes a long way toward putting a human face on the media creation that has, until recently, been George Zimmerman.  I suspect that many will be struck by how meek he is, hardly a raging, racist killer. ”

This trial is a horse race where one horse fell and broke it’s leg at the opening gate.  Much of the media and the racial grievance industry will still continue to report that it is a close race, but it’s not.

Trayvon In Black And White

Trayvon 4

The Trayvon – Zimmerman case is interesting for reasons that go far beyond the case itself.  I paid close attention this week as the prosecutors of this second-degree murder case presented their evidence.  In varying degrees, each prosecution witness was transformed into a defense witness on cross-examination. Some were devastating to the prosecution even on direct examination.  Zimmerman’s story was reinforced, not weakened.

This is a political prosecution, a show trial.  The case is in the courts because the professional race-baiters, the leftist politicians and the leftist media want it there. Each of these entities profits in different ways from this unjust prosecution.  Each of these entities benefits from stirring up racial animosity.

After this case is over, and Zimmerman is acquitted, the violence and hatred that follows should be blamed on those who turned this case into yet another way to make sure that racial wounds never, ever heal.

Here is a sample of the hatred that is being created by the lies surrounding this case.  These are just of few of many comments from the haters:

kill cracker

Trayvon Martin Fans Tweet Death Threats If George Zimmerman Is Found Not GuiltyTrayvon Martin Fans Tweet Death Threats If George Zimmerman Is Found Not Guilty


Matthew Owens

When the Trayvon story was originally crafted, the race hustlers sold the false narrative that a little black child was hunted down and shot just because he was black.  In their election year agitation, they whipped up some destructive mobs and created significant racial violence.   For example, a group of young blacks in Mobile, Alabama severely beat a white man, Matthew Owens.  He was beaten with bricks, brass knuckles, , chairs and pipes.   One attacker said, “Now, that’s justice for Trayvon.”

As I have watched the news coverage of the first week of the trial, it is clear that some news outlets are intent on continuing with the fabricated story, regardless of the evidence presented at trial.  Their reporting often bears shockingly little resemblance to the actual testimony.  This misreporting will increase the outrage among blacks when Zimmerman is acquitted, and will very likely result in more violence and destruction.  Will the mob-creators be proud of their accomplishment?

The effort to create and sustain racial animosity is a despicable enterprise. Those who orchestrate the anger, posing as advocates for black people, are doing great harm to both blacks and whites and to the cause of racial harmony. Martin Luther King’s dream of a colorblind society will never occur as long as we give a respectful ear to the professional race-baiters.  They are disgraceful and should be treated as such.

In the trial testimony this week, there was evidence of racism in the encounter between Zimmerman and Martin, but it was not the racism the prosecution was hoping for.   Rachel Jeantel was on the phone with Martin when Martin noticed a man in a car following him and watching him.  Martin told Jeantel that the man (Zimmerman) was ” a creepy ass cracker”.

We do have evidence (not part of court testimony yet) about Zimmerman’s attitude toward blacks.  In Zimmerman’s home town, the son of a policeman sucker-punched a homeless black man for the fun of it and the 2010 incident was caught on video.  The police department ignored the assault, as though the black man did not matter, and that offended Zimmerman’s sense of justice.

Zimmerman passed out flyers calling for an arrest and calling for the Sanford police chief to be fired.  There was an arrest and Chief Tooley was fired.  This kind of civic concern for others is what would prompt a man to join the crime-watch team in his neighborhood.

As a side note, Trayvon also had a noteworthy incident involving a homeless man.  Trayvon and his friends came upon a homeless man being beaten up by a man who wanted to steal his bicycle.  Trayvon filmed the fight with his cell phone.  The audio track is Trayvon and his friends laughing as they watch.

Clarice Feldman wrote an excellent column at American Thinker about the Trayvon – Zimmerman case.  She starts out like this:

The  Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman case has come to trial this week and the best  thing that’s been said about it is from Thomas Maguire: “I’m proud to say I live  in a country where the show trials look  more like an SNL [Saturday Night Live] skit.

You will enjoy reading the whole thing here.  And there is an excellent summary by Mike McDaniel here. It is entitled, “Week 1: The Narrative Spontaneously Combusts”.


race 2

fill my headThe “instructions” can be good or bad; constructive or destructive. 

We must push aside the destructive voices.

For Them, The Cover Is Everything

TourePiersThere are some particularly despicable men who spend their time promoting racial animosity.  MSNBC employs a few of them as show hosts, including the insufferably arrogant and shallow Toure Neblett .   Toure knows that the proper place for black people in this country is on the Democrat Plantation, where they should be perpetually angry and complaining that there is no real chance for a black man in this country.  As a plantation master, Toure works to stir up anger and to attack blacks who escape the plantation.  Race-baiters like Toure hold black people down as surely as any plantation master ever has.

When Real Men, like Ben Carson, escape the plantation, little men like Toure rush to attack them.  They cannot allow independent thinkers to flourish off the plantation.  Because Dr. Carson is proudly off the plantation, he must be punished.  So the little man recently spent some time ridiculing Dr. Carson on the air, calling him a token “black friend” for Republicans.  Toure said Dr. Carson has “intellectual tumors” and is “unserious”.

With good values and decades of hard work, Ben Carson made it from poverty to the top of his profession as a pediatric neurosurgeon.  People in the Racial Grievance Industry do not like stories like that.  So Toure belittled the accomplishment with an Obama-like ‘you didn’t build that’ rant.  Toure said Carson probably got government backed loans, so the self-made man story about Carson is false. It was government that made him who he is.

The classy Real Man responds to the little man here:

“ I like to say the reason I don’t talk about race that often is because I’m a neurosurgeon. And I look at the thing that actually makes the person who they are. It’s not the cover. But for them the cover is everything, because they’re very superficial thinkers.”

Amen, brother.  To them the cover is everything because they are very superficial thinkers.

When the race-baiters were whipping up race mobs over Trayvon Martin, MSNBC was pushing lies and misinformation as fast as it could.  Toure was in the thick of it and ridiculed CNN host Piers Morgan for allowing Zimmerman’s side of the story on his program.  The resulting on-air battle between Morgan and Toure was an epic display of arrogant ignorance.  You can see a short clip of it here, and it is truly worth watching.  It’s Toure being Toure, and what a pathetic sight it is.

During the Presidential campaign, Toure found racism in every criticism of Obama.  In fact, the criticism of Obama did not sound like racism, so Toure explained it as secret coded racism.  For example, when Romney said Obama was running a campaign of anger and division, Toure said:

“That really bothered me. You notice he said anger twice. He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man. This is part of the playbook against Obama, the ‘otherization,’ he’s not like us.
“… this is ‘niggerization…. You are not one of us, you are like the scary black man who we’ve been trained to fear.”


There were, in fact, campaign ads that included the phrase, “he’s not one of us”.  They were run by Obama in black districts.

Toure said that Paul Ryan,  ”loves this line of ‘our rights come from God and nature’, which is so offensive to so much of America.”   It’s offensive because
“our rights do not come from God or nature…. They come from the government…”

Last October, “The Cycle” hosted Richard Sander and Stuart Taylor Jr., the authors of “Mismatch: How Affirmative Action Hurts Students It’s Intended to Help, and Why Universities Won’t Admit It.”  The book supports the self-evident point that pushing people into schools they are not prepared for does not help them.

Toure called their work “junk science” and said,  “ If we follow your prescription then the entire leadership of America would become entirely white.”

Toure is saying that black people could not succeed on intelligence or merit.  That is a terribly racist thing to say.  And it explains his fear of Dr. Ben Carson.




Senator Hiram Revels Would Be Ashamed Of President Barack Obama

The front page of has been running a story by John Blake entitled, “Parallels to country’s racist past haunt age of Obama“.   From start to finish the article is a blatant attempt to paint the entire Republican agenda as a plan to restore racial segregation and institutionalized discrimination in the United States.  Mr. Blake uses anecdotal stories of the N-word in twitter accounts (though presumably not referring to the twitter responses to Stacy Dash’s tweet) and complaints about “black flash mobs” alongside citing any opposition to Obama’s legislative agenda as examples of Republicans trying to undo years of racial progress made by the courageous Democratic party through the years.  Mr. Blake uses the example of Senator Revels and failure of the Reconstruction movement to draw an analogy to today’s President Obama and the failure of his “post-racial” legislative agenda.  The analogy is very appropriate, but not for the reason that Mr. Blake presented.

It is important to understand historical facts before addressing how shockingly false and malicious Mr. Blake’s article really is.  When one moves beyond the rhetoric and looks at the historical achievements of the Republican party, it is shocking that any African-American votes Democrat:

  • 1865 – Republican Abraham Lincoln won the civil war and abolished slavery.  Good start for the party.
  • 1870 – Republican Hiram Revels is elected to the US Senate.  The first black man to be elected to the US Senate got some support from Democrats because they thought that his election would break the Republican party.
  • 1870 – 1948 Not much happened for the Black population of the US despite powerful presidencies of Democratic heroes like FDR and Truman.
  • 1948 – Republican Dwight Eisenhower forces desegregation of the armed forces against strong opposition.  After Brown vs Board of Education, Eisenhower famously deploys the 101st Airborne Division to forcibly desegregate schools in Little Rock, AR.  He declares racial segregation a national security issue and establishes the Civil Rights Commission and puts a permanent civil rights office in the Justice Department.  The first civil rights legislation since the 1870′s, the Civil rights act of 1957 was passed despite strong Democratic opposition. Senate Democrats did manage to water down the bill so that a second voter rights bill was necessary.  Partially at the request of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. President Eisenhower passes a follow-up voter protection civil rights act of 1960, again against strong Democratic opposition.
  • 1964 – Democratic President LBJ passes the landmark Civil Rights Act against Democratic opposition in congress.
  • 1970 – Republican President Richard Nixon signs the Philadelphia Plan and Affirmative action is born (yes, Richard Nixon is responsible for Affirmative Action).  Though not pertinent to racial issues, it is also interesting to point out that Nixon is responsible for the Equal Rights Amendment guaranteeing equal rights for Women under the law.
  • 1983 – Republican President Ronald Reagan makes Martin Luther King, Jr day an official federal holiday.  In 1988, he would expand and strengthen the Fair Housing Act of 1968.
  • 1991 – President George H. W Bush appoints the second African-American Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas.

The road to equal rights under the law was largely paved by Republicans. However, most Republicans (sans Nixon), view legal equality as the just end goal fo legislative activity.  Until the time of the Civil Rights act, Democrats largely sought to deny civil rights to the African-American population.  Since then, the Democratic party started a new, though equally devastating, policy towards the African-American population.  The plan was to create an entitled dependent class that would get “special” protections and privileges under the law.  Such special privileges would be justified by stoking racial tension and convincing the African-American population that anything short of special treatment under the law is oppression.  Quotas, affirmative action, and over-reaching anti-discrimination laws that make it very easy to sue employers were passed ensuring that people would always doubt the accomplishments of minorities and make employers think twice about employing people that they would not be able to fire. The measures ensured that African-American unemployment would always remain high. In addition to destructive “special” privileges under the law, entitlement programs were geared towards the African-American population and created a dependent class that required government handouts to survive.

This narrative of this policy is clearly illustrated in Mr. Blake’s CNN article.  Anyone who denies that narrative and points out the devastating consequences of those policies is deemed a racist.  The Democratic party has been using narrative of racial strife, special rights, and government handouts to manipulate the African-American electorate into voting for them.  Any African-American who votes against the Democratic party is viciously attacked as a sell-out or “uncle Tom”.

Manipulating the black vote for personal benefit by keeping old conflicts and hatred alive is by no means a characteristic unique to the modern Democratic party.  The same immoral and powerful narrative was used by the Republican party for a short time in the 1870′s.  One courageous man stood up to his own party and publicly denounced the strategy:

Since reconstruction, the masses of my people have been, as it were, enslaved in mind by unprincipled adventurers, who, caring nothing for country, were willing to stoop to anything no matter how infamous, to secure power to themselves, and perpetuate it….. My people have been told by these schemers, when men have been placed on the ticket who were notoriously corrupt and dishonest, that they must vote for them; that the salvation of the party depended upon it; that the man who scratched a ticket was not a Republican. This is only one of the many means these unprincipled demagogues have devised to perpetuate the intellectual bondage of my people…. The bitterness and hate created by the late civil strife has, in my opinion, been obliterated in this state, except perhaps in some localities, and would have long since been entirely obliterated, were it not for some unprincipled men who would keep alive the bitterness of the past, and inculcate a hatred between the races, in order that they may aggrandize themselves by office, and its emoluments, to control my people, the effect of which is to degrade them.

The man behind this courageous quote was ex-senator Hiram Revels, in 1875.  The Republican party had been using slavery and the crimes of the civil war to secure the black vote.  Senator Revels knew that the only way to move on to a post-racial society is to come together and stop stoking up racial and cultural hate of years past.  He even voted to give confederates citizenship if they swore an oath of loyalty to the US.  He knew that the hate narrative continued by President Grant to secure political points would ruin the Reconstruction efforts and negate the powerful symbolism of his own election into the US senate.  How ironic that an article designed to fabricate stories of white oppression and stoke the fires of racial strife would highlight the most courageous figure in US history to rage against such tactics.

The article concludes by asking how Senator Revels might feel if he could see Obama and America in 2012.  That one is easy to answer:  Senator Revel would have seen a familiar historic election of an African-American to an office that had never been available to his race.  He would have celebrated the promise that election held to launch America into a post-racial era.  Now imagine if after the promise and hope that election gave, the party that achieved it falsely used racial hate and divisiveness to secure political gain.  For once we don’t have to speculate what his reaction would be, because the story is the exact same as what Senator Revel experienced 140 years ago.  We can safely assume that he would hang his head in shame.

Time To Re-Re-Open Some Old, Old Wounds

Thomas Sowell

Few issues are demagoged more than racism in our country.  Stirring up racial animosity is always part of the Democrat, pre-election playbook.  Yes, those Republicans  “want to put ya’all back in chains”; they want to reverse all the civil rights legislation; they want to keep you from voting…. etc..  That is the hateful imaginary world that is always sold to black people as a means of keeping them on the Democrat Poverty Plantation.

It is very harmful to the country, but it accomplishes its intended purpose for the Democrats.  The voting block is secure.

This cynical game of race-baiting is called “motivating the base” and it will require much more effort for this Presidential election than the last.  The Messiah has not come through with any of the magical cures for problems that were expected.   In reality, things are much worse for minorities.

So, in the next two weeks, all the usual suspects will be opening racial sores and rubbing salt in them. There will be a racial event of some kind that is trumpeted nationwide …maybe even several events.    Romney will be found to be a racist, the Republicans will be “trying to keep black people from voting”, Trayvon Martin (or a similar media created story of mythical racism) will be in the news,  and an urgent  message will go out to black ministers that the pre-election sermon must be about voting for the Democrat party and the President.

Ann Coulter has a new book covering the sordid history of racial politics in America.  Thomas Sowell reviews the book in this column.  He starts the column this way:

If you are sick and tired of seeing politicians and others playing the race card, or if you are just disgusted with the grossly dishonest way racial issues in general are portrayed, then you should get a copy of Ann Coulter’s new book, “Mugged.” Its subtitle is: “Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama.”  Few things are as rare as an honest book about race.

His discussion of the difference between Democrat rhetoric and reality is worth reading.  And if you want to read more on the subject, there is a good post at American Thinker.

UPDATE: You can read about the race riots that are being planned if Romney wins.  Read it here ,  including a link to some Thomas Sowell audio.


Why Did Obama Call His Grandfather a “House Nigger”?

In “Dreams From My Father”, Obama wrote this passage about his grandfather:

What Granny had told us scrambled that image completely, causing ugly words to flash across my mind. Uncle Tom. Collaborator. House nigger.”

The reason for the ugly condemnation gives us important insight into our President’s psyche and supports the theme of Dinesh D’Souza”s political documentary, “2016: Obama’s America”. D’Souza believes that the key to understanding Obama is to understand his deep-rooted anti-colonialism. The angry “house nigger” slur comes from that place in Obama. His grandfather had committed the heresy of admiring parts of Western culture. Dinesh explains,

From Obama’s point of view, Onyango’s unforgivable heresy was not merely his admiration of the British, but how this man contemplated the differences between Western and African ways.

When Onyango returned home to his village after his confinement, he began to ponder the question of how the British, from their tiny island, were able to conquer so much of the globe. Here I must quote Sarah Obama on her husband: “He respected the white man for his power, for his machines and weapons and the way he organized his life. He would say that the white man was always improving himself, whereas the African was suspicious of anything new.”

Read the enlightening article here.

This story reminds me of two other stories from Obama’s life. First, when Obama discussed his first job, he characterized himself as being ashamed to be working in a capitalist enterprise. He said he was “working behind enemy lines”. He wondered if he was a “sellout”. He soon left the business world for good and became a community agitator in Chicago….. where he did things like organize anti-capitalist demonstrations against banks, essentially forcing them to give home loans to people who could not pay back the loans. In this way, he helped create the economic mess he “inherited”.

Second, when young Barry Soetero lived in Indonesia, his stepfather took a good paying job with an American oil company. This angered Barry’s mother who did not want her husband working for a capitalist enterprise that was ‘exploiting’ Indonesia (by offering high paying jobs and improving the Indonesian standard of living???). Barry’s real father had similar anti-capitalist views. The acorn did not fall far from the tree. The fact is that the entire forest Barry grew up in had anti-capitalist views.

Are Race Riots News?

There has been an alarming increase in race mobs in our country and the media is doing it’s very best to cover up this trend.  If a “racist white Hispanic” goes out in his neighborhood for the sole purpose of shooting cute little black boys, that story is worth publishing, even if it is completely false.  But true stories of race-based crimes are not.

Thomas Sowell noticed this and his observations are worth reading in full.