
Odds ‘n Ends

The Obama campaign is targeting young people, the popular culture groupies.  In the ad below, a young woman is suggesting to young women (specifically virgins) that they should get screwed by Obama.  No, really.  She is apparently unaware that young people have already been thoroughly screwed by this man. If only they understood what George Will is telling them in “Mugging Our Descendents”.

You may enjoy Steven Crowder’s parody of this ad:

Young Zombies For Obama:

This is a good summary of the promises, hypocrisy and failure of this President:


Craig Andresen has a very hard-hitting analysis of Benghazi here.


One of the intriquing aspects of the Benghazi story is that there are good reasons to believe that the CIA annex facility, about a mile from the consulate, was part of a secret operation to get weapons to the rebels in Syria.  It appears that the “help” that came from Tripoli on the night of the 11th were CIA people, not military.  They went to the annex, not the consulate.  It is conceivable that Tyrone Woods was told to stay at the annex because we did not want whatever is stored at the annex to fall into enemy hands.  You can read about the arms-running angle to the story here.

Obama’s Fog of War

It’s all so confusing.  People in the consulate are on the phone telling us they are being attacked.  We can hear the explosions.  Is there trouble there, I wonder?

A Navy Seal working at the CIA annex a mile away is reporting the attack and wants permission to go help the people under fire in the consulate.   And he wants me to send help.  Golly, should we let him help?  Should we send more help?

Nah.  Let’s just watch the action unfold on our live video feed from our drones over the battle.  Now, this is a real battle, right?  It’s confusing, because I’ve seen things like this on TV …and they usually turn out OK.

You say it’s real?  And you say Tyrone Woods called back begging for permission to go help our Ambassador and the others?  He’s pleading with us again to send in reinforcements as fast as we can?

I’m just not sure what to do.  Tell him to stand down.  We just don’t know enough yet to tell if an invading force attacking our consulate is a serious problem.  The important issue here is that I don’t need a problem in the middle of my campaign.

So now Tyrone Woods is back at the annex with the 20 people he rescued (against orders) and he retrieved the dead body of Sean Smith.  Ambassador Stevens is missing.  Woods is manning the machine gun on top of the annex building and he has a laser pointed at the terrorist’s mortar launching site.  He says our gunships can use that to target the enemy.  He is begging for help.  Should we mobilize to get a response team there as fast as we can?  We need your permission to cross the border of a country with military force.

I just don’t know.  It’s all so foggy.  We have Americans, outnumbered, desperately fighting for their lives and it is just not clear at all if we should do everything we can to help.

Later….  Mr. President, can you explain what happened on the night of September 11?

We are thoroughly investigating what I did and at some point, after the election, I’ll know what I did that night.   We may consider reporting that information to you at that time.  Just remember that in the fog of war it won’t be easy for me to find out what I knew, who I talked to, and what orders I gave.  You will just need to be patient while we sort it out.  Just know that I care very much about the safety of our people in Libya and that I relayed accurate information to Americans just as fast as I got it.

Wrong On So Many Levels…


Today we have some stunning new information about the Benghazi attack.  We already knew that Ambassador Stevens had asked for more security several times.    His superiors ignored that request and removed most of the security he had.  Now we know that on the night of the attack there were at least three urgent requests for help.

The story is best told if we follow the actions of former Navy Seal, Tyrone Woods.  Woods was working for the CIA and was not a guard for Stevens.  Woods was at the annex, about a mile from the consulate, when he heard the first shots of the attack on the consulate.  He reported the attack and requested permission to help.  Permission was denied.  About an hour later, he again requested permission to help rescue those at the consulate.  Permission was again denied.

Woods disobeyed orders and went to the consulate to help his fellow Americans under fire from the terrorists.  This is what heroes do, and Woods was a real hero.  Woods group rescued those who were still alive at the consulate, and took them back, under fire, to the annex.   They also retrieved the body of Sean Smith, who had been killed in the initial attack.  They could not find Ambassador Stevens.

They called for help a third time as they took their positions in the annex.   Woods, and ex-seal buddy  Glen Doherty manned machine guns on the tops of the annex buildings.  They radioed for help again.  They told their superiors that they had a laser pointed on the area that the incoming mortars were being launched from.   Air support could have used this laser to pinpoint the target.  But no significant help ever arrived,  even though we had serious military assets about an hour and a half away.

Six hours and 20 minutes into this fight, heroes Woods and Doherty were killed by an incoming mortar.  As Navy Seals, they must have been bewildered by the lack of help.  Seals would never leave their buddies behind in a situation like that.  Never.  You stand strong for your buddies and your country at all cost.

It is clear that those in positions to do something were well aware of the dire situation in Benghazi.  They knew the details as they happened, including a live video stream from the drone above.  They knew that a local al Qaeda group was bragging about the attack as it happened.  Someone chose not to act.  Someone chose to sell a story about a video and “a demonstration that got out of hand”.

The President went to bed before Woods and Doherty were dead; before anyone knew where Ambassador Stevens was.  He had to rest up for a campaign event in Las Vegas the next day.   This whole Benghazi thing was “just a bump in the road”, he later said.  No biggie.  It’s just about a video, you know.

Fast forward to an interview given by the father of Tyrone Woods.  Charles Woods said that he and his wife had intended to remain silent, but that the proliferation of lies has forced him to speak out.  When his son’s body was returned to Andrews Air Force Base,  Obama,  Clinton and Biden each had a brief encounter with Charles and his wife.  Each inappropriate encounter tells you something about the quality of the people involved.

Hillary said, ‘We will make sure the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.’

Biden said, in an extremely loud voice, ‘Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?’

George described his interaction with the President this way:  “Shaking hands with him quite frankly was like shaking hands with a dead fish. His face was pointed towards me but he would not look me in the eye. His eyes were over my shoulder and not in a forceful voice said ‘I’m really sorry Mr. Woods.’”

“And I could tell he was not sorry. He had no remorse.”

Leon Panetta responded today to the new revelations about the three desperate, unanswered pleas for help by saying, essentially,  “It woulda been kinda hard to help, and we don’t  want to just jump into things that are kinda hard.”  Semper Fi

How embarrassing.

Update 10-27 – A CIA spokesman released this statement last night:

“No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate.”

Yesterday, Denver TV reporter, Kyle Clarke, asked President Obama if requests for help in Benghazi were denied.  His response:

 “The election has nothing to do with four brave Americans getting killed and us wanting to find out exactly what happened. These are folks who served under me who I had sent to some very dangerous places. Nobody wants to find out more what happened than I do.”

So there you have it.  The Benghazi debacle has nothing at all to do with this election.  And nobody wants to find out what Obama did that night more than he does.  What did he know, what orders did he give?  He is working very hard to find the answers to those difficult questions.

Update 10-28  The CIA was first to issue a CYA (cover your a__) statement. They said  no one in the CIA told anyone not to help our people in Benghazi.  In response, the White House released this:

“Neither the president nor anyone in the White House denied any requests for assistance in Benghazi,”

So we know there were several desperate pleas for help that reached the highest levels.  And we know that those in charge, who did not respond in any meaningful way are pointing fingers at each other and denying responsibility.  It is a digusting spectacle.

God, Rape, Reason, and the Senate

Yesterday, Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock made the mistake of discussing his religious views about rape and pregnancy.   He said,  “I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize that life is that gift from God. And, I think, even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen”.

God intended for that particular pregnancy to occur   …the pregnancy that resulted from a brutal and violent act.  The joining of that particular monster and that particular victim was a necessary antecedent to the pregnancy.  One cannot say that God intended that pregnancy to happen without implying that the necessary antecedent to the pregnancy was part of God’s plan as well.

When more logical people than Mourdock pointed this out, he said,   ”Are you trying to suggest that somehow I think that God pre-ordained rape? No, I don’t think that. That’s sick. Twisted. That’s not even close to what I said.”

Yes Richard, it is sick and twisted.  And it is also an unavoidable implication of your foolish statement.

When Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin expressed his opinion that a woman’s body has a protection that does not allow women to get pregnant after “legitimate rapes”,  he didn’t bring the intentions of God into it.  It was simple, abysmal ignorance.

These two foolish statements by Senate candidates made me think of the ancient concept of trial by ordeal.  Trial by ordeal took many forms, but the general idea was that something horrible would be done to you, and if you survived, that was God’s indication that you were innocent. The “trial” could involve things like fire, water or poison.

For example, if you were thrown into deep water with a weight around your neck, God could save you or not.  His choice.  Whatever happened to you was taken as an indication of a supernatural judgement.  That’s something like getting raped and being told it’s all part of God’s wonderful plan if you get pregnant.

This year, I would vote for either of these men.  We must take the Senate to have any chance at all of avoiding disaster.  But if Republicans have too many of these irrational men as a weight around their neck, they will sink as a political party.


Another analogy to Medeival thinking is the following:  Medical treatment was opposed on the theory that it was interference with God’s will.  Getting sick and dying were part of God’s plan for you and you had no business trying to interfere with His plan.  Acceptance and suffering was said to be the noble way to go.

Calmly, Comfortably and With Great Self Assurance

There is a scene in an old movie that is a perfect mataphor for much of modern politics.  The 1967 movie, “A Guide for the Married Man” , is a series of vignettes illustrating how a man can cheat on his wife without getting caught.  An important part of the story, of course, is how to lie effectively.  In the classic scene, Joey Bishop is in bed with another woman when his wife walks into the bedroom.  Watch the technic here…

You lie calmly and comfortably.  You lie with great self-assurance.  You deny reality.  Deny, deny, deny.

Sound familiar?  Do you know anyone whose name starts with O who is an absolute master of this technic?

I think of this scene quite often, in its political context, and assumed I was the only one who did.  I was wrong.  Dorothy Rabinowitz referenced the scene in her Sunday column in the Wall Street Journal.  Read it here.

Idiocracy Comes to Politics…

Idiocracy is a cult movie by Writer/Director Mike Judge that described the future consequences of a society where natural selection is reversed and idiots out-breed the smart people.  The premise becomes unsettling as we learn the TV ratings of shows like Jersey Shore and Honey Boo Boo. However, we can easily dismiss entertainment as a cheap thrill that doesn’t necessarily indicate the IQ level of the viewer.  We’ve all been sucked into programming we are not proud of.  There is no reason to take it seriously…

So, how do we explain away MSNBC? I don’t believe that the network is billing itself as the sensationalist circus of morons that it is, so people may actually be taking them seriously.  Having watched a few episodes of Jersey Shore (truth comes out), I can’t say I’ve seen anything more pathetic or ignorant than the following video:

It almsot feels dirty debunking what is said on MSNBC, like Warren Sapp would feel playing in a pee-wee football game. Not only do Mormons serve in the military, the FBI and CIA are famously full of them… Just when you think the ignorant lowlife couldn’t get more pathetic, O’Donnell goes on to insult Tagg Romney’s name and challenge him to a fight. Let that one sink in: This is a 60 year old journalist who pulls 1.5 million viewers a night challenging someone to a fight and insulting his NAME!

O’Donnell isn’t an anomoly on the network. Here is one of his collegues on the network:

Chris Matthews either believes that he lives in a banana republic, or he thinks that his viewers are really dumb enough to buy that the constitution restricts the first amendment when addressing the president in a debate.

I could fill pages of this website with distortions and non-sequitors presented daily by O’Donnell, Matthews, Bashir, Sharpton, Hayes, and Shultz.  It really begs the question: Who is taking these idiots seriously?


Here’s more proof of what happens when politicians make economic decisions rather than leaving investment decisions to free markets, with private money at risk.  As with similar stories posted here, politicians first make grandiose claims, …..then reality is up to bat….

  Wasting Money by the Millions 


 Here’s a list of 36 “green” companies that lost thousands of millions of taxpayer dollars

That’s a lot of green.


Just for Fun…

Romney’s comedy routine at a charity fundraiser last night was definitely worth seeing.  It will surprise you…!

Completely Unfounded and Preposterous

Libyan President Mohammed el-Megarif said of the Benghazi attack,

“The idea that this criminal and cowardly act was a spontaneous protest that just spun out of control is completely unfounded and preposterous.”…

This is how you were lied to:

It is a fact that the U.S. had real-time information about the attack. We were on the phone, live, with the consulate for hours as the attack unfolded. We had live pictures. Surviving witnesses described the attack in detail the next day. There was no “demonstration” prior to the attack. A witness said it was completely calm and quiet outside the consulate before the terrorist attack.

Our government knew what happened. They lied about it. They are still lying about it, but the story is unraveling.  [Update:  Last night, appropriately on the Comedy Channel, the President said this about the Libya story:  “Every piece of information that we get, as we got it, we laid it out to the American people.”  Read the interview below to see what a preposterous lie that is.]

Colonel David Hunt was interviewed by Howie Carr, shortly after the Biden debate where Biden blamed the false story on an intelligence failure. Hunt discusses the lies and describes the elaborate security monitoring system that informed the Administration about what was happening in Libya as it was happening. Here is the transcript of that interview:

Carr: Colonel Hunt, thanks for being with us again today. What did you think when you heard Joseph Biden talking ragtime right out of the box last night?
HUNT – The second time in my public career I get to call a public figure a liar — that’s what I thought. Joseph Biden, right off the bat, lied.

He said that what happened in Libya recently… The administration looked so inept is because of an intelligence failure.

Howie, When Pakistan blew up an atomic bomb, and we didn’t know about it, that was an intelligence failure. When 9/11 happened, that was an intelligence failure. When India blew up an atomic bomb and we didn’t know about it, that was an intelligence failure.

When the Iraqi military lined up on the Kuwaiti border, and we didn’t see it coming – didn’t know they were attacking until they did it, that’s an intelligence failure.

This is a flat leadership problem.

What happened is that a woman named Lamb, Undersecretary of State for DSS (Department of State Security), 2 days ago, told Issa’s committee that she listened, was talking to, and recorded an almost six hour fight that resulted in the death of four Americans. She was at the State Department’s Operations Center in Foggy Bottom in DC.

When that happens, there are a bunch of people that get informed. President of the US gets found—- the embassy is being attacked—Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Director of CIA, and on and on. Continue reading

You May Wonder…

You may wonder why Obama mostly gives speeches on college campuses.  Wonder no longer…

With people like that, there is just no reason not to run the same scam the second time and see if it works: