Odds ‘n Ends

It’s not April Fools Day, but…

Bill Clinton was named Father of the Year by the National Father’s Day Council.


Hillary Clinton was named one of the “100 Hottest Women of the 21st Century“.




Politifact’s “Lie of the Year”  turns out to be true.  Romney told the truth.




There has been huge coverage of Manti Te’o's fake girlfriend.  Many charge that he used the fake narrative for personal gain.  But there is another pop-culture hero who faked much of his history for personal gain and received very little scrutiny.  He had fake girlfriends, fake stories about his childhood, blatant fabrications about his mother and grandfather, and much more.  There are reasons to believe that Te’o was duped,  but that is not the case for the other fabricator, Barack Obama.  His false narrative was purposeful from the beginning.  See herehere, here and here.  And the mainstream media is happy to accept it without question. Bill Whittle exposes a few lies here:


Obama will be inaugurated tomorrow.  His predecessor has left him an unbelievable mess.


Two more additions to the long liberal hypocrisy list:  Avoiding taxes the Warren Buffet Way.  [hat tip - Justin Kennedy]     Costco’s tax avoidance scheme.

Mark Steyn adds to our trillion dollar coin discussion and wonders if “America’s choo-choo has left the tracks“.

Just for fun – watch California over-react to a bit of cold weather:



Emotionalism – The Liberal Method of ‘Argument’

“ You  never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an  opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”
Rahm  Emanuel

“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the
people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the
children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and
almost any deprivation.”                  Adolf Hitler    –Mein Kampf

It’s always for the children….




After the horrible tragedy at Sandy Hook, our revulsion at this evil deed led many people to speak from emotion, saying things like:

  •  We must do something to make sure that nothing like this ever happens again
  •  If we can do anything to save even the life of one child, we must do it now.

If you take an honest look at the world, though, what do you think are the chances that we can stop insane violent people from doing insane violent things?  Can we “make sure this never happens again”?  Not a chance.  It is an absolute certainty that evil and violent people will do evil and violent things in the future.  The real questions are, how can we best protect ourselves and how can we minimize the number of these people in society.

As to the “saving the life of one child” argument, here are some facts to consider:

According to the Center for Disease Control,  “Every day, about ten people die from unintentional drowning.  Of these, two are children aged 14 or younger.”  So that is around 700 dead children per year.  Approximately 20% of these deaths occurred in public pools with certified life-guards.

There are approximately 365,000 dog bites per year in the U.S. that are serious enough to require a visit to the emergency room – 1000 per day.  38 people in the U.S. were killed by dogs in 2012.  Around 50% of those injured and killed are children.

The government reported that in 2010, 1210 children under the age of 15 died in traffic accidents.  Approximately 70 children per year choke to death on food.  Since 1973, 110 children have choked to death on balloons.

I could go on, but the point is that there are many, many government controls we could propose that would “save the life of at least one child”.  We don’t do that because that isn’t the standard we use in the real world.  It is the standard used only in political theater where politicians seeks to prove that they care about the children more than you.

For liberals, caring, not efficacy, is what matters.  None of the proposed new gun regulations would have effected the Sandy Hook shooter in any way.  No matter.  The appearance of caring is there.  It doesn’t matter that the War on Poverty did not diminish poverty (and had devastating social consequences).  The Head Start Program has been shown repeatedly not to work.  Obamacare will increase medical costs and decrease quality.  The stimulus didn’t.  Climate change legislation won’t change the climate. The Dream Act is a nightmare.  The failings of leftist legislation are not a problem though, because the legislation represents caring.  So it’s all good.

For those who want to deal with facts, not emotions, on the gun control issue, I suggest the following:

It is interesting to note that , according to World Health Orgaization statistics, there are are 108 nations with higher murder rates than the US.  Most of them are much higher.  All of these nations have a complete ban on guns.  And without black on black violence, our murder rate would be much lower than it is.
















One  very great threat to our childrens well-being is the exponential growth of State power and State debt.  Liberty and prosperity are directly related.  Fighting for liberty is one of the best things we can do “for the children”.

The following are 20 signs that the U.S. poverty explosion is hitting children and young people the hardest…

1. If you can believe it, a higher percentage of children is living in poverty in America today than was the case back in 1975.

2. More than one out of every five children in the United States is currently living in poverty.

3. According to U.S. Census data, 57 percent of all American children live in a home that is either considered to be “poor” or “low income”.

4. Median household income for families with children dropped by a whopping $6,300 between 2001 and 2011. Continue reading

Magical Thinking on the Economy

zim trillion

The absurdly named “debt ceiling” is not a ceiling at all.  Never has been.  Congress has just blasted right through this supposed ‘limit’ each time they reach it.  The ‘limit’ has been raised 74 times since 1962.  Congress spends with wild abandon and does not recognize limits.

But reality recognizes limits, and will re-assert itself in some unpleasant ways when our wild spending spree reaches its end.  Our exploding debt is unsustainable and will not be sustained.

A substantial portion of our population understands the danger and is seeking to do something about it.  They have even managed to elect a few legislators who are committed to changing course to avert disaster.  These honest people are a minority, though, and are regularly ridiculed for their principled wisdom.

We have once again reached the debt limit and most legislators want to blast right through as usual.  Obama says he doesn’t even want to discuss it.   Those who want some spending cuts are threatening to block continued spending unless there are real cuts.  That brings us to two ploys that are being considered by the big spenders.

First, some are saying the President doesn’t need Congress for spending authority.  They say the 14th Amendment would allow Obama to spend without regard to the limit, even though the constitutions says all spending must be authorized by Congress.  Second, some say there is a magic trick we can do that will fix things.  The magic trick is to put a platinum coin in the Federal Reserve and say it is worth a trillion dollars.  Then government would write checks on that trillion without borrowing money.

Functionally, depositing the platinum coin would be the same as depositing a lump of coal.  Both would be about the same distance from actually having a value of a trillion dollars.  An absurd stunt like this would confirm the worst fear of prospective bond buyers…   that we are not serious about dealing with our debt.  The credit rating agencies would come to the same conclusion.

Yet, the platinum stunt is being discussed as though it has merit.  Paul Krugman, for example, has written that the coin trick would result in, “no economic harm at all”.  He sees it as a reasonable response to the, “ruthlessness and craziness that now characterizes House Republicans”.  He is speaking of those extremist fools who are worried about  out-of-control spending.  Those obstructionists.

Each of us needs to decide where the craziness lies in this debate.  If you think reality will allow us to spend our way out of debt, go with Krugman.  If you think people will continue to fund our increasing debt by buying our bonds when it becomes clear that we cannot possibly pay the debt, go with Krugman.

Governments that follow the Krugman path and debase their currency often do pretend to  pay their debts.  They put a big number on a worthless piece of paper and say, here you go.  It’s like giving someone a platinum coin and saying, here’s a trillion dollars.

The Zimbabwe One Hundred Trillion Dollar bill above is real, government issued money.  You can get one for about five bucks on Ebay.  So governments can ‘repay’ their big debts with what is essentially toilet paper.  In the process, they will have destroyed the economy and wiped out the savings of the citizens.  It has happened many times before and we may be witnessing it again.  It happens when politicians care more about their power than about the future.  It happens when citizens believe there are free lunches, when there is no such thing.


Additional info:                 At monetaryrealism.com, Vimothy posted this comment:

It comes down to the fact that the government ultimately has two and only two choices when it wants to get hold of some real economic resources: either it expropriates them outright, or it borrows them and replaces them at a later date. That’s it. There is no third choice.

All of these things like taxes, selling bonds, the platinum coin and the “operational” ability to issue as much nominal money as you like are at the end of the day simply ways to achieve (a) or (b), or some combination of the two.

The government is obviously  limited in its ability to borrow as much as it likes from the real resources of the economy because its ability to return those economic resources is itself limited. And if the government does not intend to return what it borrowed, because, for example, there is no entity above it that can force it to do so, then it did not borrow the resources; it expropriated them.


Good News… No Big Problems


Speaker John Boehner reported that during the fiscal cliff negotiations, Obama got irritatied with Boehner’s repeated insistence that they deal with the spending problem.  Obama said, “We don’t have a spending problem”.  That’s great news.

Robert B. Reich, Clintons Secretary of Labor, agrees with Obama.  He recently reported that, “Entitlement reform sounds like a noble endeavor, but it has little or nothing to do with reducing future budget deficits.”  More good news.

So spending isn’t a problem and entitlements aren’t a problem.   And even if high unemployment is a problem, Nancy Pelosi reports that she has found a solution for that.  The solution is paying people not to work.  Pelosi says unemployment benefits,  “create jobs faster than  almost any other initiative you can name.” She says spending on unemployment benefits, “creates jobs to help reduce the deficit ”.  So the spending has two benefits, more jobs and less debt.  














Dealing With Reality

Wolf Blitzer of CNN recently demonstrated how detached he was from reality during an interview with new Texas Senator, Ted Cruz, a tea-party conservative.  Cruz understands that our unsustainable debt is, in reality, unsustainable.  Cruz insists that we take this threat seriously.

To Blitzer, and the legions of reporters like him, this makes Cruz an extremist.  They are committed to the meme that serious fiscal conservatives are foolish troublemakers.  After Cruz discussed the seriousness of our debt situation, Blitzer lectured Cruz, saying, “You’ve got to deal with reality“.

So a man who is seriously attempting to deal with reality was attacked by a man who, like his colleagues, routinely hides and distorts reality.  Amazing, isn’t it?  It’s Mister Blitzer who needs to educate himself about reality.  He might start with this enlightening article by Chris Cox and Bill Archer.

Cox and Archer explain why our debt is actually far greater than we are led to believe. Excerpts:

We most often hear about the alarming $15.96 trillion national debt (more than
100% of GDP), and the 2012 budget deficit of $1.1 trillion (6.97% of GDP). As
dangerous as those numbers are, they do not begin to tell the story of the
federal government’s true liabilities.

The actual liabilities of the federal government—including Social Security, Medicare, and federal employees’ future retirement benefits—already exceed $86.8 trillion, or 550% of GDP. For the year ending Dec. 31, 2011, the annual accrued expense of Medicare and Social Security was $7 trillion. Nothing like that figure is used in calculating the deficit. In reality, the reported budget deficit is less than one-fifth of the more accurate figure.

…In short, if the government confiscated the entire adjusted gross income of
these American taxpayers, plus all of the corporate taxable income in the year
before the recession, it wouldn’t be nearly enough to fund the over $8 trillion
per year in the growth of U.S. liabilities. Some public officials and pundits
claim we can dig our way out through tax increases on upper-income earners, or
even all taxpayers. In reality, that would amount to bailing out the Pacific
Ocean with a teaspoon. Only by addressing these unsustainable spending
commitments can the nation’s debt and deficit problems be solved.






Gun Violence

Did you read about the disgusting Georgia mother who kept a gun in her home?  .  Last friday there was gun-related violence in her home.  A career criminal broke in with a crowbar and had the mother cornered  in the attic, where she had tried to escape with her 9 year old twins.  She shot all 6 rounds at the guy, missing only once.

Think of how much better this would have turned out if this mother had simply made it clear to the man that her home was a violence free zone.

She could have been like the Principal in Sandy Hook who rushed to tell the invader to please just stop it right now.


“Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow
for those who do not.”              ~Thomas Jefferson

“Those who trade liberty for security have neither.”
~ John Adams

Hypocrisy on Parade

Hypocrisy:   a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially the false assumption of an appearance of virtue.

It’s never difficult to write about the hypocrisy of liberals, it’s everywhere,  but there does seem to be a special abundance of it in view right now.

The Journal News in White Plains, New York, published the names and addresses of legal gun owners in certain counties …because these gun owners are sort of related to the Sandy Hook murders.  They have the same relationship to Sandy Hook as Sarah Palin had to the Gifford shooting in Arizona.  None at all.  Zero. Still, the Journal believed that the gun owners deserved some measure of public scorn for having legal weapons for self-defense.

Many of the gun-owners and many defenseless homeowners without guns were angry about this information being made public.  The Journal then hired armed guards because they felt threatened.  Why didn’t they just declare their building a gun-free zone.  That should take care of it, right?

Hollywood liberals created an anti-gun video to demonstrate how much they care and how much they hate violence.  They were as sanctimonious and self-righteous as we would expect them to be.  Since many of them make their living selling and glorifying violence, and enterprising citizen put together this superb and well deserved slam.

NBC’s David Gregory inadvertently demonstrated the ineffectiveness of gun laws by showing that illegal items are easily obtainable.  His showed an illegal large clip on television even after he knew it was against the law for him to possess it.  He also ridiculed the suggestion of the NRA President to consider more armed guards in schools.  But he sends his kids to a school with armed guards.

Liberals from many quarters heaped scorn on the NRA for suggesting more guards in schools.  But when Bill Clinton proposed the 60 million dollar “Cops in Schools” program in 2000, it was said to be a very thoughtful and caring idea.  Now it is a bizarre and crazy idea.  Hypocrites can have it both ways.

Al Gore occasionally leaves one of his mansions to jet somewhere and speak earnestly about the importance of having a small carbon footprint.  He also speaks about the importance of having wealthy people pay more in taxes.  It’s just the right thing to do, he says.

Mr. Gore was very busy at the end of 2012 wrapping up a deal that will put around 100 million dollars of oil related wealth into his fat bank account.  He sold his troubled cable network to Al-Jazeera.  Insiders said there was a herculean effort to complete the deal before the end of the year for the purpose of avoiding this year’s tax increases.  Nice work, con man.

It hardly seems possible that the man who has created more debt than any man in history and is actively seeking much more debt can hold a straight face while he speaks about his progress in reducing the debt, but President Obama can.  And he does.  His actions are the opposite of his words.  If he were Colonel Sanders, he could talk solemnly about his deep interest in protecting chickens.

Obamacare will reduce our national debt.  If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.  Your insurance premiums will go down.   If you are in the middle class, your taxes will not go up one dollar.  We will have a transparent administration.  You will always have several days to review major legislation before it is voted on.  I am a big fan of free enterprise.  Lobbyists will not get special favors from me.  I immediately gave the orders to do every single thing we could to help our people in Benghazi.  Yada, yada.

Did you notice that the evil Bush “tax cuts for the wealthy” have undergone a radical transformation by the hypocrites.  They are now very important tax benefits that Obama wants to provide for the middle class.  (In reality, Bush cut the lower and middle-income rates by a larger percentage than the upper rates, despite years of lies to the contrary.)

For liberals, saying the right thing is what matters.  You can drown women in your car or tell your female assault victim to “put some ice on that”, and still be a “champion for women” if you say the right things.

Haven’t we all had enough of phony politicians?  We need to call them out on every lie so that they see the game isn’t working any more.  It’s the right thing to do.


Jess adds:

The seat occupied by the Democrat who held the longest filibuster in history to stop Eisenhower’s Civil Rights Act of 1957 is now occupied by the only African American in the US Senate… Appointed by the first minority female Governor. If you claim to believe in Civil Rights and aren’t celebrating right now, you are officially a hypocrite.

The NAACP, instead of celebrating, attacked Senator Scott.  No surprise, they only support blacks who remain on the Democrat Plantation.  You can see Scott’s classy response here.


Things That Can’t Go On Forever, Won’t

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading”  ― Buddha

Things that can’t go on forever, won’t. Debt that can’t be repaid, won’t be.
Promises that can’t be kept, won’t be.                                               — Glen Reynolds

I started the new year off wrong by watching our leaders ‘solve’ the fiscal cliff crisis.  To make things worse, I watched some of them make speeches afterward, patting themselves on the back for their great work.  The President spoke and was pleased with himself and with the legislators for achieving the “balanced approach” that he had demanded and for taking important steps to cut the deficit that he cares so much about.  And then he flew to Hawaii for more vacation.

sick pumpkin

What a contemptible group of short-sighted posturing fools we have in Washington.  We can count on them not to do the right thing.  The ‘balanced approach’ in this bill gave us $41 dollars in new taxes for every dollar of budget cuts.  And the bill authorizes new spending that consumes over half of the projected new revenue.  There’s pork for Hollywood, pork for windmills, pork for algae and Nascar.  It’s dirty business as usual.   77% of taxpayers will see an increase in their tax burden.  This is how Obama is protecting the middle class.

Alfred E Bama




There were a few lawmakers who spoke the truth during the deliberations.  They discussed our government’s out-of-control spending, they discussed the consequences of our staggering debt and they discussed the consequences for our grandchildren.  These are the people characterized as fringe extremists, Tea Party types, the ones who don’t want to compromise for the good of the country.  And by compromise, they mean spend wildly like there is no tomorrow.  Expand government.

Can we tax and spend our way out of our economic problems?  Who could possibly believe that?  Even the projected revenue from this legislation will only run our bloated government for a few days.  And it is likely that the legislation will actually reduce business activity and thereby reduce revenue.

We are in an economic death spiral.  If we don’t change direction, we will end up where we are heading.  The majority of our legislators either don’t see this, or don’t care.  Obama clearly wants to go full speed ahead in our current direction.  There is no reason at all to believe that he cares about big spending and the exploding deficit.   The mainstream media are lemmings who will blindly and obediently follow him over the debt cliff …leading their unthinking followers.

Too often, political stories are reported like a sporting event.  Which party is going to win the battle today?  By focusing on today’s skirmish, the big picture is ignored.    But, it’s not about them.  It’s about us. The relevent thing is not whether something helps or hurts Obama.  The relevant thing is our children’s future; our country’s future.

You and I know that our country is in peril. The government’s many obligations that cannot be paid will not be paid and there will be consequences.  The longer we wait to face this, the worse the consequences.  But there are people who see economic collapse as a good thing.  The followers of the Cloward-Piven Strategy are so immersed in this socialist utopian delusion that they seek an economic collapse, assuming that a wonderful socialist world will arise from the ashes.  There are powerful people who have this belief.  This strikes me as very similar to the delusion of those who committed suicide to join paradise on the Hale-Bopp comet.






















I’ll end today’s post with a couple of paragraphs from Michael Auslin at NRO:

… we have crossed the Rubicon of political reality. The president holds a cheerleading session to ridicule Congress, not one plan offered makes even the smallest dent in our economic disaster, cynical political ploys by Harry Reid torpedo possible agreements — all these petty politicians fiddle while America burns. And then, we’re supposed to believe that a last-second deal responsibly solves the problem from a bunch of bickerers who had months (years, really) to tackle the issue?

Our crisis is political, not economic. Politics is ultimately a moral exercise, no matter what it deals with. Leaders are stewards of our social patrimony. What we see in Washington today is not gridlock. It is collapse. It is the final triumph of political theater over political reality, of ignorance over reasoned governing, of self-interest over principle. A $12 trillion economy and 230-plus-year history can survive a great deal of abuse and neglect. But history proves no state is immune from the self-inflicted idiocy of its leaders or people. Just how long we will survive in this state is now a proposition fully engaged. It is the great social experiment of the 21st century

The Point Of No Return

storm 2

The fact that some thoughts are unpleasant does not make them less true.

It is very unpleasant to think about the mess our country is in.  And our concern increases when we evaluate the motley collection of so-called leaders whose task is to undo the mess.  In large part, they made the mess.

Unpleasant or not, facing reality is the best approach. There are two unusual politicians, both outside the mainstream, whose thoughts on our situation are worth considering.

Here is Ron Paul from a CNBC interview last Friday:

“I think we have passed that point of no return where we can actually get our house in order.  I believe there is too much bipartisanship on the spending. Nobody is talking about cutting any spending.”  [While others are talking about the need for bi-partisan agreement, contrarian Paul notes that the parties agree on far too much.  In reality, both support massive, growing government.]

“Republicans and Democrats,” he continued, “ pretend they’re fighting up there, but they really aren’t. They’re arguing over power, spin, and who looks good, and who looks bad, but they’re all trying to preserve this system where they can spend what they want, take care of their friends, and let the Fed print money when they need it.”

Paul expects a temporary fix, which, like all the ‘fixes’ in Greece, will be touted as a solution when it is not a solution at all.

Paul continues, “There’s no admission that they have a crisis. They have no admission that the country is bankrupt. There’s no admission that our government is spending way too much and it’s way beyond our means and there’s not a single bit of effort to cut anything,” the congressman continued.  “Even when they talk about slashing the budget and all these cuts, they’re only talking about tinkering along the edges of proposed automatic increases.”

“They are so they so far removed from admitting the seriousness of this crisis and if they don’t admit it, they can’t solve the problem. They’re like a bunch of drug addicts that just want another fix. That’s what they are looking for.”

In another recent interview, Paul said,  “I would raise the debt ceiling on one condition and that would be a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.  Barring that, people in Congress, those who I’ve met up here, they don’t deserve to manage any more money. They’re doing a bad job managing the money they have. We should not send them any more money.  They’re not to be trusted with money.“

Wayne Allen Root, a Libertarian Republican from Nevada, named the reasons that he believes our country faces the most serious economic crisis in our history.  The problems he names are real.  His article begins this way:

Everywhere from FoxNews.com to CNBC.com, I suddenly see commentators warning  of pending doom, economic collapse, and a new Great Depression. Welcome to my  club. Perhaps America’s politicians and economists should have paid  attention to an entrepreneur and small businessman that has been warning of  economic collapse and a new Great Depression publicly for over two  years.

More importantly, none of the current commentaries mention the “why’s” of  this slow motion economic collapse…beyond the obvious — mountains of deficit  and debt. None of them mention the dysfunctional structure of the current U.S.  economy and the massive changes in the work ethic and mindset of the average  American.

I am a successful small businessman and a patriot who loves America and  always sees its greatness. I am also an optimistic, positive thinker who always  sees the glass half full.

But not this time.

This time we are in such deep trouble, the only solution is a radical  restructuring of the politicians, the economy, and the way we view personal  responsibility versus government handouts. If those changes don’t come then we  are facing a long decline and the eventual end of America.

This time the results are going to be dramatically worse than 1929. This time  we are facing The Greatest Depression ever.

Why? Because The Great Depression had NONE of the structural, economic, and  social problems, nor the massive obligations we are now facing.

In 1929 America was not $16 trillion in debt, plus facing over  $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities.  That’s over $360,000 in debt per citizen.

In 1929, most of our states were not bankrupt, insolvent and dependent on  federal government handouts to survive….             …..Read the rest of Root’s analysis here.