The Face Of Evil

—  First published at American Thinker  —

faces of evil
Faces of Evil – that was the headline of the Australian Herald Sun when reporting the depraved murder of  Aussie Christopher Lane.  It is instructive to carry that theme further with a few more faces.

James Edwards and his buddies murdered Chris Lane “for the fun of it”.  James Edwards shot him in the back.  It was reported that Edwards danced and laughed in the police station after his arrest.  Ending a strangers life was funny to him.

He boasted on twitter that he had “knocked out 5 woods [whites] since Zimmerman court”.  He advised others to “HATE” white people, and a few days before the murder he said he wanted to be “with my niggas when it’s time to start taken lifes”.

faces De'Marquise Elkinsfaces Karimah and Katrina Elkins
This is De’Marquise Elkins and his mother and aunt.  De’Marquise approached Sherri West in Brunswick, Georgia in March and asked for money.  When she refused, he shot her 13 month old baby between the eyes.  Elkins mother and aunt were arrested for obstructing justice when they lied to cover-up the crime.
faces Santucci killers ed
On August 12, a recent graduate from nursing school, David Santucci, was walking home from a birthday party.  According to witnesses, Dondre Johnson, Mario Patterson and Jerrica Norfleet drove up to him, shot him to death and drove away.  They were captured shortly after the murder. Some news outlets reported this as a robbery rather than a racist hate crime, but witnesses said nothing was taken from the victim; nothing but his life.
Memphis burners
In another recent Memphis story, police say that the two people pictured above doused a man with gasoline in a vacant field and set him on fire.  He was severely burned over most of his body.  A neighbor heard the screams and saw the victim’s skin falling off.  He said the devil himself would not deserve such treatment.
faces Newsom

Several years ago in Knoxville, Tennessee, Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian were carjacked by the degenerate savages pictured above.  Newsom was gagged, bound, brutally raped, beaten, shot and set on fire.  Then they went to work on Channon.  She was taken into the back room of a home where she was beaten and brutally raped in every way imaginable for hours.  Bleach was poured down her throat.  Then she was placed in a garbage bag to suffocate to death.

News of this horrendous, racist hate crime was mostly covered up.  Much of the media are happy to lie in cases like Martin/Zimmerman or Duke Lacrosse, but they are not willing to tell the truth in cases like this. The typical cover-up approach was demonstrated by the Norfolk newspaper, The Virginian-Pilot,  last year when two of their reporters were beaten by a black mob of about 30 people.  They did not report the story at all until they were shamed into it two weeks after the assault.  ‘News’ organizations are political organizations that filter stories to suit their political agenda.

faces - shorty killerface keenan Adams-Kinard
“Shorty” Belton died yesterday.  He was 88.  He fought for our country in Okinawa and was wounded there.  Yesterday, Shorty was brutally beaten by two ‘unarmed children’.

I sure hope Shorty didn’t try to defend himself, because, as we all now know, it is just wrong to defend yourself when black teenagers decide to pound on you.

The alleged savages are Demetrius Glenn, 16, who is now in custody (above left), and Keenan Adams-Kinard  right).  In a similar case, Pat Mahaney was beaten by ‘unarmed’ 13 and 14 year olds.  Pat died last week.

faces Tommy Branch 2
In Washington, DC, last August, T.C. Maslin was walking home from a baseball game.  His wife and two-year-old son were at home.  Tommy Branch (left) and two other young black thugs approached Maslin.  With a two-fisted grip, Branch swung an aluminum bat into the side of Maslin’s head, shattering his skull and severing an optic nerve.  Maslin lived, but he is severely disabled.  The national media ignored this story.
faces Keyon Blackfaces Shaknee Golay
Last Monday in Pensacola, Florida, 77-year-old John Garland Redick was chased, beaten with sticks and pelted with cans by a mob of very young black teens.  Two of the barbarians are pictured above, Keyon Black and Shaknee Golay.
faces Seneca

On March 17, 2012, police found 32 year old Terry Moore lying in his own blood outside an Appleby’s Restaurant in North Carolina.  Moore said the group of predators pictured above approached him calling him a “tree honkey” and a “cracker”.  They knocked him to the ground and amused themselves punching and kicking him.

It would not be difficult at all to post pictures and tell stories of degenerate predators like this ad nauseam.  There is an explosion of black mob violence.  If you doubt that, read “White Girl Bleed A Lot” by Colin Flaherty.  Across the country, degenerate people are violently attacking strangers in ”the knockout game“ …  just for ‘fun’.  Flash mobs swarm stores to plunder and pillage.  They are eliminating the government middle-man and taking what they want directly.

Even though we don’t speak much about this violence, and even though the press works to cover it up, we all understand that we have a huge problem with a violent, racist, uncivilized underclass.  We are taught, incorrectly, that it is not appropriate to talk honestly about it.  But ignoring or denying the problem is the most foolish approach of all.  We must acknowledge it and we must talk about it.

Consider these statistics:

  • Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
  • The best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percent of the population that is black and Hispanic.
  • Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.
  • The death toll from murder in Chicago over the last decade exceeds the death toll of our soldiers in Afghanistan since the beginning of that war.  [Handgun purchases are not allowed in Chicago.]
  • Nearly 3/4 of black children are born out of wedlock.  Generations of children are being raise without fathers.
  • Academic achievement for black students is appallingly low, despite a large amount of money being spent to provide that group with educational opportunities.

Now consider the fact that decent black people are the people who are most harmed by this violent subculture.  They are the closest to the problem and suffer the most from it. But we all suffer from this growing cancer and ignoring the problem is simply one way to commit national suicide.

This problem is not about skin color.  The real problem is bad values.  There is nothing about having melanin in your skin that will protect you from the natural consequences of destructive values.  Violent, hostile, uneducated, misogynistic men who do not care for their children will not be successful… anywhere, ever.  And no civilization can survive the degradation of it’s women.  Thug culture celebrates the degradation of women.

Think about the Vietnamese refugees or other Asian refugees who came to this country from lives of severe deprivation.  They had nothing…. nothing except good values.  With hard work, education, family values, self-discipline and perseverance, most achieved the American Dream in a short amount of time.  In one generation, they were often small business owners and valedictorians.  Fortunately for them, they had no  ’leaders’ teaching them victimhood and hopelessness.  No one told them it was someone else’s job to make their lives successful.

If we discuss this problem openly we will be called racists.  People will say we are finally “showing our true colors“.  We will be called liars.  Thug culture will be defended.  They will say we are afraid of black masculinity, as though violent bravado is praiseworthy.  There will be a large leftist effort to stop people from saying what needs to be said.

We should ignore the criticism and steadfastly pursue Martin Luther King’s dream of living in a nation where people “will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”.   This dream strikes fear in the hearts of current civil rights ‘leaders’ who abhor the idea of character judgments.  They live in the past.  For them, it is all about skin color.

In my view, no one has done more to impede the progress of black people than black ‘leaders” and other leftists in the racial grievance industry.  They sell exactly the wrong message of victimhood, telling blacks on the dependency plantation that none of their problems are their fault and nothing is their responsibility.  Could you find a better formula for creating an angry, dependent population than to tell them that all of their problems are caused by others and all of their needs are someone else’s job to fill.  From Sharpton to Obama, the message is socially destructive, though it does maintain the desired voting block.

Accepting lower standards of behavior for black people is a form of racism.  Only a racist would say that black people are not capable of joining civilized society on an equal footing.  Do blacks need lower standards because they are inferior people?  This is the soft bigotry of low expectations.  Violent, ignorant, parasitic thug culture is not a built- in defect.  It comes from bad values which are created and supported by bad social policy.  The violent subculture persists because of an absurd level of tolerance on our part.

Obamacare Lies

Obamacare was sold to the public with a series of Big Lies.  They were repeated endlessly, and for the most part, they were not challenged by the media.  Here is an excellent reminder of the bold lies:

Rational people know that government does not do things efficiently, inexpensively, or well.  No thinking person would believe that adding over 100 new government bureaucracies to the provision of health care would decrease costs or improve quality.  Just look at the economics of Medicare and Medicaid.  Universal health care is an economic black hole of major proportions.

Every once in a while a Democrat politician slips and accidentally makes an honest statement.  Here is Max Baucus, Obamacare’s lead author, telling the truth about this disastrous law.  Baucus has announced his retirement.

Some people believe that Obamacare was intended to fail.  The failure is step one in a two step plan.  Step two is to convince people that the only way out of the mess is to have all health care controlled by the government.  Game. Set. Match.



In a related story, here is the Tempo Building in Spain. I call it The Obamacare Building.  The public was told that it was going to be one of the most magnificent residential buildings in all of Europe, 47 stories tall.

Oops.  They forgot to put an elevator beyond the 20th floor.  The building, as designed, can’t work and won’t work.  The building is a monumental disaster.

The architect has resigned.  I am not sure if his name was Baucus.




UPDATE 2:  Harry Reid has now admitted that the goal of Obamacare is to destroy private insurance.  Obamacare is just step one.  Step two is to blame Republicans and insurance companies for the failure of Obamacare.  Step three, that Reid says he “absolutely” favors, is access to health care only through government.   This is not a surprise, but it is an absolutely stunning admission.




You can feel safer today knowing that a no-kill animal shelter in Wisconsin was recently raided by a group of 13 heavily armed agents of the government.  They were there to get Giggles, an illegally rescued baby deer.  A shelter worker said the agents descended on the property “like a swat team” and soon the deer was being carried off in a body bag.  Giggles is dead now and the world is somehow a better place thanks to our government helpers.

Speaking of killing things, the logging industry in the western states was mostly killed by an environmental movement in the 80′s and 90′s.  We were told that spotted owls were in decline and the only solution was to decimate the logging industry.  Lumber mills closed.  Logging towns died. But spotted owl populations declined anyway.

It was later discovered that spotted owls were actually declining for another reason.   A competitive species, the barred owl, was winning the competition for territory.  This is called natural selection and has been part of the natural world from the beginning of time.  But environmentalists like one owl more than the other, so there is a huge government effort to kill or remove approximately 3,600 barred owls.  They are going in with guns.

Perhaps, after the owl slaughter is complete, officials can start an effort to stop plate tectonics.  If we could just get the right legislation we could stop earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and all those unpleasant things caused by movement in the earth’s crust.


Can you think of any reason not to tackle big jobs like that?  Think of what we are doing to correct the earth’s climate.  Over the course of time, our planet has been much cooler and much hotter.  It has had much higher CO2 concentrations and much lower.  It has seen many ice ages with periods of warming in between.  The ocean level has been much higher and much lower, many times.

But, we like how things are right now – right now in our tiny little speck of time.  The way things are right now is the way things should always be.  Sure, 98% of the species that have ever existed are extinct.  But we need to stop that process, too,  while we are stopping any future change in climate.

The good news is that our politicians are willing to stop all the natural processes that we don’t like.  With some carefully crafted legislation, they will take control of everything… for our benefit.

Even in small matters, they are there for us.  Seattle officials recently banned the “potentially offensive” word “citizen” from all public documents.  Campus speech codes limit language to officially approved words.  Young children are being expelled from school for making a gun shape with their hand or making a gun shape with a school pastry.  Officials dictate the appropriate size of soft drinks .  Government publications tell farmers how to milk cows.  We have seen crackdowns on lemonade stands and girl scout cookie stands and happy meal toys. Food inspectors are checking children’s lunch bags to see if the contents meet USDA requirements.  Everywhere we turn, helpful government officials are managing our lives.

If you think these pretentious do-gooders are making the world a better place, here is my response:  Giggles.

Discrediting the Race Hustlers

 “We have a long history in this country of some people exploiting differences between us for their own advantage.   It’s a cynical appeal to the worst instincts in our great country.”                                                                     Al Sharpton   7-26-13

This should be the cover quote for Al’s own biography.  It fits him perfectly.

In “Trayvon And The Big Lie” I made the case that race hustlers like Sharpton have done immense damage to the country, especially to the black community.  They sell racial animosity and victimhood.  That is not a prescription for success.  It is time to cast these race-baiters aside.

It has been encouraging to see that many people have come to the same conclusion.  Important racial issues are finally being discussed honestly, not everywhere, to be sure, but it’s a start. Here is a sample of current commentary on the hustlers.

Michelle Malkin pulls no punches with “a strong, but worthy condemnation of a despicable man who lines his pockets by the misery of a community that he has misled and propagandized for years”-

I have an immense amount of respect for Walter Williams, and if you follow just one link from this post, let it be Walter’s column on Black Self-Sabotage.  It starts out like this –  ”If we put ourselves into the shoes of racists who seek to sabotage black upward mobility, we couldn’t develop a more effective agenda than that followed by civil rights organizations, black politicians, academics, liberals and the news media. Let’s look at it…. ”

Black writer Sonnie Johnson writes the following in, “Redefining Race in America” -  ”Until we recognize, understand, and destroy the progressive ideology, racism will always exist in America. As long as progressives with political power maintain their dependency groups and the cages of the inner city they have built to contain them, the failures of social engineering will continue to be blamed on the “white man’s capitalism” through the prism of race.”

From Gary DeMar’s essay on how black leaders exploit their people for political and financial gain -    “Jesse Jackson has made millions by “shakedown” tactics to extract money from corporations. Willie Ellis expressed his frustration with Jackson: “Open your
eyes: Jesse Jackson is for Jesse Jackson and Jesse Jackson only. He stole from
the people long enough. It’s time the people know the true man Jesse Jackson is.
He has rode on black peoples’ coattails long enough.” Harold Davis said Jackson
“is a shakedown artist, and nobody holds him accountable.”

Bill O’Reilly led his show with an honest discussion about race and the failure of black ‘leaders’ to address the real problems.  Of Sharpton and company he said, “They have failed. FAILED. to deal with problems in the black community and they make a lot of money promoting racial division… Talking Points believes the day of the race hustler has come to an end. This we and them business gets the country nowhere. There are severe problems in the black community that have to be solved… You bet, Al. Your day is done.”

Andrew McCarthy -  “The second thing to bear in mind is that race-baiting is the last resort of scoundrels whose insipid policy claims cannot survive collision with real-world conditions. The incitements that transform policy debates into an us-versus-them rumble are not about race per se. They are about advancing a hard-left agenda through the community organizer’s crude bag of tricks — the extortion that Alinskyites euphemistically call “direct action.”

Those who profit from racial divisions will fight to keep their power, but they must be discredited, for the good of the country.

Thinking Clearly About Profiling

ir rational

There is nothing more painful for me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start to think about robbery and then look around and see it’s somebody white and feel relieved.

                                                                         Reverend Jesse Jackson   NY Times, 12-12-93


Profiling is a very unsavory activity, we are told.  There are marches against it and laws against it.  Let’s consider what profiling is, starting with the definition of three terms relevant to the discussion :

profiling: the act or process of extrapolating information about a person based on known traits or tendencies; the act of suspecting or targeting a person on the basis of observed characteristics or behavior.

discrimination: The ability or power to see or make fine distinctions; discernment.

prejudice: An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.

“Profiling” and “discrimination” are morally neutral terms.  They describe the normal processes of thinking and making judgments.  Discernment based on observable characteristic is rationality.

Prejudice can cloud rationality if an adverse opinion is formed without knowledge or examination of the facts.  It is prejudice that should be condemned, not making judgments from observable facts.

Here are some observable facts:

  1. Rapes are primarily committed by men.
  2. Major terrorist attacks, worldwide, are primarily committed by young Muslim men.
  3. NBA Basketball teams consist primarily of young black men.
  4. Young black men are 7 times more likely to commit murder, and 8 times more likely to commit robbery than white men.

When you are looking for a rapist, it is rational to target men.  When you are screening airline passengers, it makes sense to target those most likely to be a security threat.  That would not be little girls and grandmothers.  When you are on a dark street, being approached by a group of young men, it is rational to feel safer if it is a group of white men.

These are not foolproof judgments, but they are not prejudiced judgments either.  They are simply factual observations.  The makeup of sports teams is determined by judgment from observable facts, not from racial prejudice.  There is no need to apologize to white people for their lack of representation on NBA teams.  The position on the team was earned.  The other judgments we are talking about are earned as well.  There is no need to apologize for seeing reality as it is.   There should be no laws against it.

Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the NAACP, are calling for more laws against profiling in the wake of the Martin/Zimmerman case.  The prosecution, defense and both families agree that this incident was not about race.  Yet, Ben Jealous, of the NAACP, said, “We are outraged … and we will not rest until racial profiling in all its forms is outlawed.”

Apparently unaware of the statistics about racial violence and ignorant of the facts in the Zimmerman case, the NEA just launched an anti-profiling campaign.  They say, “the case of Trayvon Martin has activated millions of Americans to urgently seek answers to how we can finally end wide-spread, officially-sanctioned, racial profiling and racially motivated violence….”

The campaigns against racial profiling and  “Islamophobia” are campaigns against reason. It is unfortunate, but perfectly logical, to have an increased fear of violence from young black men or Islamic Jihadists.  We must be clear that those who observe the problem are not the cause of the problem.

Millions of peaceful black men and peaceful Muslims suffer from the acts of the violent members of their group.  They suffer directly from black on black and Muslim on Muslim violence, but they suffer indirectly from the bad image created by the violent minority.  It is the violent minorities that deserve condemnation, not the people who observe and react to the violence.  The observers are the effect, not the cause.

In President Obama’s July 19 black victimology speech, (brilliantly deconstructed here), he discussed profiling as a very significant problem that white folks need to reflect on.  He said, with Clinton-like lip biting for effect, that many black men have the experience of walking near a car and hearing the doors lock or otherwise sensing fear from “white folks”.  His implication was that this was proof of continuing white racism.  It’s not.  It’s fear of crime.

If Obama himself did some honest reflection he would see that doors have been unlocked for him for most of his life because he is black.  At almost every point in his life it has been a huge advantage for him.  This inexperienced Senator from Illinois was a viable Presidential candidate, not it spite of being black, but because he is black.

Trayvon And The Big Lie


It’s almost overwhelming, the multitude of absurd race-agitating actions and words coming from those who refuse to accept the facts and law as to the Zimmerman trial.

–  William Jacobsen, Professor of law, Cornell  –

Something evil is happening in our country right now.  We have seen it before.  In fact we have seen it many times, but this time the orchestration of evil is especially obvious.

The Racial Grievance Industry is in the business of keeping hate alive.  In their quest to foster racial animosity, race hustlers pick cases to publicize to ”prove” that whites are forever racist.  This evil enterprise gives them undeserved power, prestige and money.  It creates a solid, angry block of voters who do not understand that their “leaders” may be the most destructive force in their culture.

Martin Luther King dreamed about a day when people would be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.  Most of us share that dream.  The race hustlers have the opposite dream.  For them, skin color, racial identity, is everything.  And they will not tolerate any judgments about character.

If you look closely at the genesis of the Trayvon Martin story you can see the race hustlers at work.  This was a well organized public relations campaign planned by professionals.   The primary actors had profited from creating racial grievances in the past and knew just what buttons needed to be pushed to create hate. It was an election year and this activity is called “motivating the base”, or, more accurately, “motivating the base instincts”.

Our Department of Justice played a key role in the beginning by helping in the organization of a completely fake “student protest group” called the “Dream Defenders”.  The organizers were not students, but instead were paid activists with ties to ACORN and Occupy. You can see a video and more documentation on this hate group here.  The Department of Justice was helping a bogus group create racial animosity.  The group marched on the Sanford Police Department and succeeded in getting the police chief fired.

This was just the beginning of the Department of Justice’s many injustices in this case.  A team of FBI agents was sent to interview the people who knew George Zimmerman best.  They wanted to prove that he was a racist.  They found the opposite.  They found a man who tutored black children for free, who went to bat for a homeless black man who had been assaulted, whose black friends said he was not in any way a racist.  As with other parts of this case, the facts are being completely ignored.  The fictional story still takes precedence.

After the verdict, the Department of Justice sunk even lower by opening a hot line to solicit dirt on the man who had just been found not guilty in a court of law. If they can keep the hate alive, they are certainly going to do it.

This is a sick enterprise on two levels.  For George Zimmerman, he is the victim of a political persecution based on a collection of lies which are still being promoted at the highest levels.  Like the man who made the Muhammad movie, Zimmerman is the recipient of a government organized hate campaign.  Rewards have been offered for Zimmerman’s murder and the Department of Justice shockingly does nothing about it except fan the flames.

At a higher level, our country suffers incalculable damage from the never-ending efforts to create racial animosity.  The race hustlers teach each new generation of black Americans the following destructive lesson:  You are perpetual victims with no chance of success and all of your problems are someone else’s fault. Few things harm black people more than this lesson from their “leaders”.  These old leaders need to be rejected and replaced with new leaders who have a positive vision of personal achievement and personal responsibility.

The entire scam that is being used in the Martin/Zimmerman case follows a pattern that is common to other government deceptions. It’s time to unmask the technic.  The scam has 3 parts.

1. The Big Lie; Setting the Fire -  A racist white man in Sanford chased down and shot a little black boy, demonstrating what a racist country this is. The Benghazi attack was caused by a video.  Sarah Palin was responsible for the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords.  Etc.. These are fact-free assertions.

2. Fanning the Flames – The lie is widely publicized by those who share the political goals of the liar.  We see an explosion of supportive stories.  For example, leftist lackeys like NBC are happy to edit tape to support the deception. Those being lied about assume an unjustified defensive position.

3. Moral Posturing by the Arsonists – Those who set the fires now pose as the firemen.  There they are, speaking from on high, lecturing about the danger of these fires and calling on us to do some soul searching about our evil ways.  Obama and Hillary perform this part of the scam quite well.  It’s contemptible behavior.

Andrew McCarthy understands how the scam is orchestrated at the top and he exposes it brilliantly in “The Obama Administration’s Race-baiting Campaign”.  Do take the time to read his excellent column.

In the Zimmerman case, you will not understand the enormity of the lies being sold to the public unless you understand the facts of the case.  It’s a tragic case but not a complicated case.  We know that Trayvon chose to confront Zimmerman, because he had walked home and then walked back to the area of the assault.  It seems clear that he threw the first punch (and apparently all the punches) as he straddled ”the creepy-ass cracka” on the ground.  Trayvon had no signs on his body that Zimmerman had hit him.   Trial witness Rachel Jeantel agrees that Trayvon threw the first punch but says that Zimmerman should have known that Trayvon was just going to administer a little “whoop-ass” and should have known that Trayvon wasn’t going to kill him.

If some strong young man was pounding your head into the concrete, “MMA style”, you may not understand that it was ‘just a little whoop-ass’.  And if the young man beating you said, ”You gonna die tonight” that may raise your fear level a bit.  Trayvon was not unarmed.  He had two arms with fists attached.

The lesson from the Trayvon/Zimmerman encounter is this.  Not every whoop-ass ends the way you had imagined.  This one ended very badly.

Can you extrapolate from this event that white people in America are racist and are responsible for this assault?  No logical person could infer that.  But here are some people who can.

Chris Matthews: “Can I just take a second to apologize on behalf of all white people?”

Jesse Jackson is calling for a boycott of Florida which he calls “an apartheid state”.  He says, “It’s time to call on the United Nations Human Rights Commission for an in-depth investigation of whether the U.S. is upholding its obligations under international human rights laws and treaties.”

Al Sharpton organized angry divisive rallies across the country.  Speaking apparently of white people in general, Sharpton told a Baptist Church audience, “…They saw a young man that was vulnerable and killed him….  we have no rights.”

AP reporter Cristina Silva:  “So we can all kill teenagers now?”

Nicki Minaj: ” We just paid to see a murderer walk free after killing an innocent unarmed little boy”

Richard Dreyfuss: “It’s 2013 and an American jury just acquitted a man who admitted to stalking and killing an unarmed child.”

race bait church








This is all a diversionary tactic to keep you from looking at the real problems.  Let’s look at what they want you not to see.  The Bureau of Justice Statistics reported that approximately 8 to 9 thousand African Americans are murdered in the U.S. every year. That’s more than the total number of servicemen killed in Iraq plus Afghanistan.  93% of these murders are committed by blacks, mostly young black men.

Some of these victims were unarmed.  Some were young.  Some were named Trayvon.  Some looked like they could have been Obama’s son.  Obama could have gone on TV and said, “They could have been me 35 years ago”, but he didn’t.  No marches were organized in their honor because no racial animosity could be generated that way.  Individual murders matter only to the extent that they suit the truly sinister goals of the Racial Grievance Industry.

Using government crime statistics, Pat Buchanan reported:

 “An analysis of ‘single offender victimization figures’ from the FBI for 2007 finds blacks committed 433,934 crimes against whites, eight times the 55,685 whites committed against blacks. Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white — with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007. Not one case of a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the FBI study.”

Though blacks are outnumbered 5-to-1 in the population by whites, they commit eight times as many crimes against whites as the reverse. By those 2007 numbers, a black male was 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse.

If interracial crime is the ugliest manifestation of racism, what does this tell us about where racism really resides — in America?

The problem is actually worse than the statistics indicate and the Trayvon Martin case is a good illustration.  The Miami Dade school District has it’s own police force.  Police Chief Charles Hurley, in collusion with school district leadership, launched a plan to lie about crime statistics in the school district.  The plan was specifically aimed at under-reporting the crimes of young black males.  When Trayvon Martin was caught with stolen jewelry and a burglary tool, the crime was not reported and no attempt was made to see if the jewelry matched a reported robbery.  It was all hidden.

Another race based fraud was recently uncovered at Winston-Salem State University.  Administrators routinely and fraudulently raised the grades of African-American students.  The plan was exposed by a few honest faculty members.

Don’t you think it is time that we stopped this nonsense and faced problems honestly?

race 2

Watch Bill Whittle’s forceful commentary on this issue:



Trayvon/Zimmerman – An Update

ZimmermanThose of you who are following this case have most likely noticed that there are two increasingly divergent stories to follow.  There is the evidence of what actually happened and there is The Story of what happened… the narrative invented and pushed by the racial grievance industry.

The persecution prosecution has rested it’s case and it is clear that The Story is a fabrication with no supporting evidence.  That out-of-control hateful racist who hunted down and shot a black child for no reason never existed.  No evidence of racism was presented, other than Trayvon’s comment to Rachel that a ”creepy ass cracker” was watching him.

It is clear from eye-witness testimony and Zimmerman’s injuries that Trayvon punched the creepy ass cracker in the face, jumped on him and was pounding his head into the concrete, in ”mixed martial arts style” according to the eye-witness with the best view of the assault.  Zimmerman was  screaming for help.  Blood from his broken nose was running down his throat.  His airway was further obstructed by Trayvon placing his hand over Zimmerman’s mouth and nose to stop the screaming.

The question before the jury is this:  would a reasonable person feel that their life was threatened in this situation?  Would self-defense be justified?

The charge of second degree murder does not fit the facts of the case at all.  This is a show trial created in a pathetic attempt to appease the real racists who demanded it.

I have not seen evidence that Zimmerman did anything wrong.  Volunteering to be part of a neighborhood watch team is certainly not wrong.  Calling the police about suspicious behavior is exactly what the citizens in this crime ridden neighborhood were supposed to do.  Seeking to find an address, to give the police better directions, took Zimmerman to the area where the assault took place.  Zimmerman cannot be faulted for that.

If you think Zimmerman is a nefarious character who deserves punishment, go through the evidence and tell me what Zimmerman did that was wrong.  I am not asking what he did wrong in The Story.  I am asking about the evidence presented in court by the prosecutors, who were there to prove what an evil criminal Zimmerman was.   They have rested their case.  What was their case?

There are some very good summaries of the details of this trial here and here.  What follows is an excerpt from each link:

“This unraveling of the State’s theory of the case under the relentlessly unfavorable testimony of their own witnesses was the norm, rather than the exception, in this trial. One by one, the State’s witnesses were consistently co-opted to testify favorably to the defense, shown to be substantively lacking in credibility, or at best to testify ambivalently on the events at issue. Witness after witness found themselves subject to the raised, angry voice of State prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda practically shouting at the witness–his own witness!–that in fact they knew nothing about anything, isn’t that true?”


“Before I launch into the news for the week of July 4, readers that have not yet seen George Zimmerman’s reenactment of the events of February 26, 2012, should visit Greta VanSusteran’s blog where she has the video.  It goes a long way toward putting a human face on the media creation that has, until recently, been George Zimmerman.  I suspect that many will be struck by how meek he is, hardly a raging, racist killer. ”

This trial is a horse race where one horse fell and broke it’s leg at the opening gate.  Much of the media and the racial grievance industry will still continue to report that it is a close race, but it’s not.

The Only Real Revolution

USAThis essay was last published by FrontPage Magazine on Independence Day last year.

I believe that the most useful way to look at political history is to discard the idea of “right” and “left”.  There is Liberty and there is Tyranny.  For most of human history, men have suffered under tyranny.  Our Founders intended to change that…



The Only Real Revolution           by Bryce Buchanan

“Happily for America, happily we trust for the whole human race, they pursued a new and more noble course. They accomplished a revolution that has no parallel in the annals of human society. . . . In Europe, charters of liberty have been granted by power. America has set the example . . . of charters of power granted by liberty.”

                                     – James Madison

Throughout history, small groups of men with political power have controlled the masses of men by force. On every continent, stretching back through the centuries, the pattern was essentially the same — a pharaoh, king, emperor or dictator had ultimate control over the lives and fortunes of his subservient followers. The underlings were taught that their proper role was to serve those in power. Whatever small freedoms the common men had were considered to be gifts from the sovereign — gifts which could be taken away if the sovereign chose to do so.

Then, in eighteenth-century America, a group of enlightened men turned the world upside down. They instituted a government that was subordinate to the people. They believed that whatever powers a government has are granted by the people. Government exists to serve the people. People do not live to serve the government.

They declared that each man owned his own life and could act freely in peaceful pursuit of his own happiness. They said the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are “unalienable” — that is, they are not gifts of government and may not legitimately be taken away. They stated that the sole purpose of a moral government was to secure these fundamental and inherent rights. Thus, they wrote a constitution that was intended to strictly limit the power of government over the lives of free men.

This was the only political revolution in history that was truly revolutionary. It was a total break with the principle that men are mere pawns in the grand design of those in power. It offered a radical new political system. Other revolutions had merely produced a new tyrant — simply a new person to exercise control over men. The true revolution was the one that openly questioned the control.

Eighteenth-century Americans lived and died in the spirit of liberty. Virginian Richard Henry Lee said, “The first maxim of a man who loves liberty should be never to grant to rulers an atom of power that is not most clearly and indispensably necessary for the safety and well-being of society.”

Boston preacher Samuel Stillman said, “We are engaged in a most important contest; not for power but for freedom. We mean not to change our masters, but to secure to ourselves and to generations, yet unborn, the perpetual enjoyment of civil and religious liberty, in their fullest extent.”

Even small encroachments on liberty were met with defiance. When the Stamp Act was passed in 1765 — an act which levied only a very small tax on certain transactions — the strength of the resistance forced a repeal of the law in less than a year. A prominent Boston preacher, Jonathan Mayhew, said that while a few people quietly accepted the stamp tax, most Americans “were firmly united in a consistent . . . plan, to run all risks, to tempt all hazards, to go all lengths, if things were driven to extremity, rather than to submit; preferring death itself to what they esteemed so wretched and inglorious a servitude.”

And we all know how the Sons of Liberty reacted to a two-cent tax on tea. They took their rights — their liberty — seriously. They knew that when a tyrant gets his foot in the door, the rest of the beast is sure to follow. As George Washington said in 1774, “The crisis is arrived when we must assert our rights or submit to every imposition which can be heaped upon us, till custom and use shall make us . . . slaves.”

The contempt felt for those who would not fight for their own liberty was expressed by Samuel Adams: “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

Imagine that men from that era were observing us today. They would see that we send up to 50% of our income to different levels of government, and we are told that this is not sufficient —  that our duty is to sacrifice more. (Consider this shocking fact: the colonists paid approximately 1% of their incomes in taxes.) They would see an incredible number of regulations on all types of domestic and foreign commerce. They would see an immense army of bureaucrats to enforce the regulations and another army of real soldiers residing more or less permanently in other countries. It would be clear to them that Jefferson’s statement is unfortunately still true that “even under the best forms [of government] those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operation, perverted it into tyranny.”

The biggest surprise to our observers would not be that those in power seek to expand their power. They would have expected that. The biggest surprise would be the degraded state of many Americans who have lost the stature that comes from taking responsibility for one’s own life. They would see millions of dependent creatures, comfortable in their dependency, crouching and licking the hands that feed them, and begging for more, asking only that the benefits they get are paid for by the sacrifices of other people.

Can any of us deny that the citizens are primarily to blame for the erosion of their own liberties? Most are traveling the road to serfdom willingly. But the road goes nowhere new. It leads only to the same forms of tyranny that have characterized most societies in history.

There is liberty … and there are thousands of forms of tyranny. There are men’s rights … and thousands of rationalizations for violating them. When it comes to liberty, everything but the real thing is the wrong thing. We must accept no substitutes.


Trayvon In Black And White

Trayvon 4

The Trayvon – Zimmerman case is interesting for reasons that go far beyond the case itself.  I paid close attention this week as the prosecutors of this second-degree murder case presented their evidence.  In varying degrees, each prosecution witness was transformed into a defense witness on cross-examination. Some were devastating to the prosecution even on direct examination.  Zimmerman’s story was reinforced, not weakened.

This is a political prosecution, a show trial.  The case is in the courts because the professional race-baiters, the leftist politicians and the leftist media want it there. Each of these entities profits in different ways from this unjust prosecution.  Each of these entities benefits from stirring up racial animosity.

After this case is over, and Zimmerman is acquitted, the violence and hatred that follows should be blamed on those who turned this case into yet another way to make sure that racial wounds never, ever heal.

Here is a sample of the hatred that is being created by the lies surrounding this case.  These are just of few of many comments from the haters:

kill cracker

Trayvon Martin Fans Tweet Death Threats If George Zimmerman Is Found Not GuiltyTrayvon Martin Fans Tweet Death Threats If George Zimmerman Is Found Not Guilty


Matthew Owens

When the Trayvon story was originally crafted, the race hustlers sold the false narrative that a little black child was hunted down and shot just because he was black.  In their election year agitation, they whipped up some destructive mobs and created significant racial violence.   For example, a group of young blacks in Mobile, Alabama severely beat a white man, Matthew Owens.  He was beaten with bricks, brass knuckles, , chairs and pipes.   One attacker said, “Now, that’s justice for Trayvon.”

As I have watched the news coverage of the first week of the trial, it is clear that some news outlets are intent on continuing with the fabricated story, regardless of the evidence presented at trial.  Their reporting often bears shockingly little resemblance to the actual testimony.  This misreporting will increase the outrage among blacks when Zimmerman is acquitted, and will very likely result in more violence and destruction.  Will the mob-creators be proud of their accomplishment?

The effort to create and sustain racial animosity is a despicable enterprise. Those who orchestrate the anger, posing as advocates for black people, are doing great harm to both blacks and whites and to the cause of racial harmony. Martin Luther King’s dream of a colorblind society will never occur as long as we give a respectful ear to the professional race-baiters.  They are disgraceful and should be treated as such.

In the trial testimony this week, there was evidence of racism in the encounter between Zimmerman and Martin, but it was not the racism the prosecution was hoping for.   Rachel Jeantel was on the phone with Martin when Martin noticed a man in a car following him and watching him.  Martin told Jeantel that the man (Zimmerman) was ” a creepy ass cracker”.

We do have evidence (not part of court testimony yet) about Zimmerman’s attitude toward blacks.  In Zimmerman’s home town, the son of a policeman sucker-punched a homeless black man for the fun of it and the 2010 incident was caught on video.  The police department ignored the assault, as though the black man did not matter, and that offended Zimmerman’s sense of justice.

Zimmerman passed out flyers calling for an arrest and calling for the Sanford police chief to be fired.  There was an arrest and Chief Tooley was fired.  This kind of civic concern for others is what would prompt a man to join the crime-watch team in his neighborhood.

As a side note, Trayvon also had a noteworthy incident involving a homeless man.  Trayvon and his friends came upon a homeless man being beaten up by a man who wanted to steal his bicycle.  Trayvon filmed the fight with his cell phone.  The audio track is Trayvon and his friends laughing as they watch.

Clarice Feldman wrote an excellent column at American Thinker about the Trayvon – Zimmerman case.  She starts out like this:

The  Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman case has come to trial this week and the best  thing that’s been said about it is from Thomas Maguire: “I’m proud to say I live  in a country where the show trials look  more like an SNL [Saturday Night Live] skit.

You will enjoy reading the whole thing here.  And there is an excellent summary by Mike McDaniel here. It is entitled, “Week 1: The Narrative Spontaneously Combusts”.


race 2

fill my headThe “instructions” can be good or bad; constructive or destructive. 

We must push aside the destructive voices.

Ghostbusters And The IRS

ghostbustersTake just two minutes and watch Bill Murray demonstrate the IRS technic for judging applicants for tax-exempt status.  Click here.

If Bill Murray were to later testify before Congress, and if he behaved as the IRS officials and their apologists have behaved,  he would say that there was no real bias in his judgments.  None at all.

It is clear that the powerful leftist union that runs the IRS has the same sense of fair play that Murray demonstrated.  It is also clear that many Democrat leaders openly suggested that “tea party” types should be targeted.

IRS approval

On many occasions, President Obama made it clear that the “tea-baggers” were his enemies. On the campaign trail, Obama said, ”…we’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends”.    He said,  “voting is the best revenge”.  Targeting conservatives with IRS intimidation and targeting Fox News reporters are two other forms of ‘revenge’.  Are we now Venezuela?

In a story that broke last night, Kimberley Strassel reported on a 2008 Obama campaign strategy that was a precursor to using the IRS directly as a campaign tool.  Read it all here.  An excerpt:

The Bauer onslaught was a big part of a new liberal strategy to thwart the rise
of conservative groups. In early August 2008, the New York Times trumpeted the
creation of a left-wing group (a 501(c)4) called Accountable America. Founded by
Obama supporter and liberal activist Tom Mattzie, the group—as the story
explained—would start by sending “warning” letters to 10,000 GOP donors, “hoping
to create a chilling effect that will dry up contributions.” The letters would
alert “right-wing groups to a variety of potential dangers, including legal
trouble, public exposure and watchdog groups digging through their lives.” As
Mr. Mattzie told Mother Jones: “We’re going to put them at risk.”

Strassel wrote another great column a few days ago entitled, “The IRS Scandal Started at the Top”.  If you missed it, you can read it here.

Peggy Noonan also has an informative column here.  An excerpt:

All of these IRS actions took place in the years leading up to the 2012 election. They constitute the use of governmental power to intrude on the privacy and shackle the political freedom of American citizens. The purpose, obviously, was to overwhelm and intimidate—to kill the opposition, question by question and audit by audit.

It is not even remotely possible that all this was an accident, a mistake. Again, only conservative groups were targeted, not liberal. It is not even remotely possible that only one IRS office was involved.

The man who reads the teleprompter says he wants to “get to the bottom of this”.  He is just pretending to be angry.  Behind the curtain, he is the bottom of this.

punish enemies
