The Enemy Within

In the late 70′s, the US was in such a bad recession that President Carter announced that we would no longer lead the developed world.  The US was demoralized and economists couldn’t figure out how to pull us out of a perplexing “stagflation” situation that didn’t fit into their economic models.  Unions ruled the land and high taxes and regulation were choking our nation’s economy.  It was at this nadir of the late 20th century that a man came along who would change everything:

Ronald Reagan reminded us that we are a nation of free men and women.  For 30 years the Reagan revolution has freed capital and minds to engage in a second industrial revolution: the information revolution.  The quality of people’s lives worldwide have improved in ways and at rates that haven’t been seen since the 1800′s.

Consider the following quote from the video:

“This idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power than the sovereign people…”

Reagan’s words describe a nation that is there to serve, but not rule a people.  It is the only true foundation upon which people can freely pursue their rights to life, liberty, and happiness in their own way and not beholden to any institution or fellow man.  Their lives are their own and their destinies are of their own making.  That is the true and only definition of freedom. The opposite of a free nation would be well described by switching the words “people” and “government”.  No politician has dared to describe the people of the US as beholden to any higher power than themselves for thirty years.  No serious political speaker outside an academic socialist utopia has publicly discredited the success of an individual American entrepreneur as a ”gift” of government benefaction. The idea of a benevolent master party or bureaucracy from which springs all things great and wonderful only happens in a few museumesque communist banana republics around the world. Until last Friday one couldn’t imagine a president of the United States doing such a thing…

And then Obama went off teleprompter:

Once a people submit to a philosophy that a government is responsible for all they accomplish, they are no longer free.  It is that simple.  Governments have used this philosophy for thousands of years.  If the US Government is responsible for all of my monetary success and even the house that I own, then by that logic they have the right to take all of it back.  How can it be I that pursues life, liberty, and happiness if they are all given to me by The Master?  How can I feel pride in my accomplishments and be willing to defend them if they are not my own?

It is not a trivial statement that was made by Obama.  It is the core of a tyrant’s philosophy. As the person in charge of the organization responsible for all of our accomplishments, he views himself as our master.  For almost 240 years our flag has stood against Obama’s core philosophy.  Now it is sitting in our highest office.  There has never been such an important election in our lifetimes.

English Lesson #1

Lower (verb): 1.  to cause to descend; let or put down: to lower a flag

Here is the full link, in case the Obama team claims I took the above definition out of context:

So, which tax rate did you “lower” President Obama????  Extending the Bush tax rate? Not raising something isn’t lowering it.  I don’t say that I “saved” someone because I chose not to hit them.  I can understand why you hate charter schools, and it isn’t just because of union money.  If people actually start to learn English in school your campaign would have to severely limit its talking points.

Ok, maybe I’ll try to give you some credit and assume you are talking about the tax credits. The ones you and Bush handed out that really turned everything around for us.  I suppose you could contort your way into that box, but the only tax change seen by the middle class today is the health care TAX that is coming their way if they don’t buy a policy that is now more expensive thanks to Obamacare…

SAID IT!!!! (Thank you Sununu!)

Imagine if you lived in a free nation… A place where you could live, work, and play without being subject to the whims of a regulator.  Where you could follow your dreams without answering to anyone or anything, as long as your dreams didn’t infringe on the right of others to do the same.   Our forefathers imagined such a place.  After thousands of years of oppressive regimes and states where the lives of the population were governed in detail by the whims of tyrants, they decided to try freedom.  The experiment worked.  For over 200 years, this nation has improved the quality of living in the world on an exponential level unimagined by any ancient philosopher.   Now imagine how you would feel to watch that dream crushed by the same sorts of bureaucratic populist tyrants whose experiments in control and social engineering have crushed the spirits of their people and driven them to your shores for hundreds of years.  You would be angry right? Maybe just a little?

Luckily, you have your 200 year experiment of success all around you and easily googlable.  You wouldn’t have to struggle hard to debunk their sad little twisted talking points taken from the outright lies of the Obama campaign team or the “king’s clothes” intellectuals like Krugman.   You would simply state the facts and maybe sometimes laugh at them a little when the intellectual twister gets over the top.  Instead, what we seem to get are pundits on the right that have a frozen petit mal seizure in the face of an argument and then regurgitate some pre-rehearsed talking point.  And we wonder why the right isn’t as jazzed up as they should be…

Here is how it is done:

Imagine living in a Russian submarine on a dive for three months surrounded by unwashed sailors who only eat raw fish and chain smoke in your 6’ X 6’ bunk bed quarters.  When the submarine surfaces, you get to be the first sailor to open the hatch and take in a deep breath of ocean arctic air in Siberia 300 miles from the nearest town.  Watching the above clip kind of felt like that.

Here is another fresh breath for you:

The master at work.  Krauthammer, Ryan, and West can also get it done, but the list gets short after that….

S E Cupp runs with it like Forrest Gump

SAY IT!!!!!

I really hate to pick on amateurs (especially when they look like Ms. Cupp). However, she is the conservative ambassador to a network that would otherwise meet the old Soviet Politburo standards of journalistic content, so she needs to step it way up. Beating these guys in an argument is like playing t-ball with 6-year-olds, but you really have to have spent more than five minutes researching the subject.  Instead, we see Ms. Cupp seize a totally BS statistic about .00004% of the US electorate committing voter fraud and running into a brick wall with it.  Eighty-six cases on a national scale isn’t voter fraud - it is an immaculate election proctored by angels. It is obviously a total crap statistic. The ensueing viewer experience of her argument is like watching someone put down his Desert Eagle .50 caliber handgun and attack knife-wielding street thugs with a wooden spoon, only slightly more frustrating.

The talking points are simple:
1.  Holder’s Completely Misleading Statement:   “In the clip of Eric Holder, there is mention of being able to use a concealed weapon permit in Texas to vote, but not a student ID.  Why does he assume that everyone at the NAACP are idiots? What are two things you need to show to get a concealed weapon permit in Texas: CITIZENSHIP and LACK OF A FELONY RECORD!  El Chapo, the Sinaloa Cartel Kingpin at the top of FBI’s most wanted list, could enroll at Texas Tech and vote in the next election using his student ID in Holderworld…”

2. It Is Illegal Not To Have An ID in Texas Over 16: “It is already a law in Texas that you have to have an ID over the age of 16.  How can someone who doesn’t have an ID pay taxes, go to Jury Duty, drive, and hold a job without an ID?  Unless they are illegal…”

3.  The Law Already Exists In Other States:  “How are those other states doing? Why haven’t we been talking about them and running stories about all of the people dying to vote, but can’t get a hold of an ID?”

4.  Their Stats Are Completely Full of Crap:  “Sargent at Arms positions at large middle schools have more voter fraud than 86 people.  Hell, even Al Franken’s Senate seat was won with alleged voter fraud counting well over 300 people – and that is just in the state of Minnesota.  In that case, it was supposedly felons casting votes, something not possible if they had been using concealed weapons permits to vote.

5.  Their Stats Are Totally and Completely Full of Crap:  “The number of 1.5 million voters not being able to vote was debunked many times over.  Even donning ruby red slippers, no matter how many times you say it on MSNBC, it will never be true…”


Allen West: Social Security Is ‘A Form Of Slavery’

Allen West: Social Security Is ‘A Form Of Slavery’.


It is an extremely rare treat to see someone who understands human nature and is willing to describe A as, well, A. There is no question that as soon as a politician creates a dependent class, those people’s free will is diminished. Ironically, the “free” things you get from the government come at the cost of your freedom.  Like a pedophile driving an ice cream truck touting free Eskimo Pies, the temptation to reach for something tasty comes with a diabolical agenda.  In the case of social security, the sweet temptation of saving our elderly by securing a guaranteed income for them has created a powerful tool for those who now control the livelihoods of millions of citizens over the age of 65.  They are no longer free to vote for what is right because they planned to have a master later in life.  If we follow the piper into the shackles of dependency, how can we be surprised when the captor uses it as leverage for power?  Right on the heels of true emancipation from lingering slavery (Civil Rights Movement), Johnson’s Great Society plan would pull millions right back into dependent servitude…

The Only Real Revolution | by Bryce Buchanan

“Happily for America, happily we trust for the whole human race, they pursued a new and more noble course. They accomplished a revolution that has no parallel in the annals of human society. . . . In Europe, charters of liberty have been granted by power. America has set the example . . . of charters of power granted by liberty.”

– James Madison

Throughout history, small groups of men with political power have controlled the masses of men by force. On every continent, stretching back through the centuries, the pattern was essentially the same — a pharaoh, king, emperor or dictator had ultimate control over the lives and fortunes of his subservient followers. The underlings were taught that their proper role was to serve those in power. Whatever small freedoms the common men had were considered to be gifts from the sovereign — gifts which could be taken away if the sovereign chose to do so….

Read the rest at:  The Only Real Revolution | FrontPage Magazine.

The End of Civilization As We Know It.

Economist Northrup Buechner writes:

We may be seeing the beginning of the end of the model for civilized governance that has dominated Western civilization since WWII. That model has been provision by the state of all or most of the needs of its people combined with the popular election of the government. Or, in other words, the welfare state plus democracy.


What we are seeing in Europe is that that model is inherently unsustainable…

It’s a good summary of why the West is in trouble. Check it out here:  Current Events: The End of Civilization As We Know It | Objective Economics.