Paradoxical Quote of the Day

Ben Stein:

“Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured…

but not everyone must prove they are a citizen.”

Now add this:

“Many of those who refuse, or are unable, to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens.”

Today’s Links…

Conservatives can explain their reasons; Liberals can tell you their feelings. Two recent columns have explored the idea that conservatives understand and honor their past intellectual leaders and liberals do not. At Powerline, Steven Hayward asks, Why Is There No Liberal Ayn Rand?, and at Pajamas Media, Ed Driscoll expands on the theme. Here’s a quote from the Driscoll column:

Everyone agrees that President Obama is not only a man but a symbol. He is a symbol of America’s decisive victory over bigotry. But he is also a symbol, a living embodiment, of the failure of American education and its ongoing replacement by political indoctrination. He is a symbol of the new American elite, the new establishment, where left-liberal politics is no longer a conviction, no longer a way of thinking: it is built-in mind-furniture you take for granted without needing to think.”


Read: An Instance of Liberals’ Preference For Narrative Over Reality. Obama is his brother’s keeper only in the “other people’s money” sense.


“The events of the last 44 months are no accident. The state of the current economy does not represent the unintended consequence of a well-intentioned leader “in over his head….” John McLaughlin analyzes the Battle of Ideologies here.

Eating His Lunch

Treat yourself to this priceless video of Ryan eating Obama’s lunch for real. Ryan schools the empty suit on Obamacare:

Senator Alan Simpson had this to say about Ryan in the race:

“There will be an adult conversation, therefore the children will throw emotion, fear, guilt, and racism on him,” he added. “They will bomb him, bomb him, shell him coastline and bunker, and he will survive. He has facts. He uses math. He’s damn good. He’s excellent.”