Articles: The Constitutionality of the ObamaCare Tax

Good column at American Thinker blog:

In this ruling, Chief Justice Roberts reminds us of something preeminently important: we, the voters, are the ultimate enforcers of the Constitution, and the ultimate protectors of our liberty and freedom. If we want to prevent Congress from meddling in our lives, then we need to elect a Congress that will take away Congress’s ability to meddle. We need to elect representatives who think income tax credits and deductions based on non-income activities are actually unconstitutional penalties. In turn, those representatives will appoint judges who think the same way and pass laws which reflect this belief. If we want the Supreme Court to protect our liberty and freedom, then we need a President who will appoint liberty-loving justices, and a Senate that will confirm them.

via Articles: The Constitutionality of the ObamaCare Tax.