Dancing Nurses and Dead Brits | A follow-up post…

Jeannie DeAngelis writes:

“Regardless of futile attempts at liberal do-goodery, the goal on the left is always the same: constantly demanding undeserved praise for well-intentioned but failed acts of benevolent socialism. That sort of predictable imagery-before-reality mentality was on display during the London 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremonies, where tribute was paid to the Brits’ failing socialized National Health Service, affectionately known as the NHS….”

Read it all at: Dancing Nurses and Dead Brits | Jeannie-ology.

Would you like some Marxist history with your Olympics?

The Olympics is a great celebration of individual achievement, cloaked in nationalism.  Friday’s long opening ceremony was intended to be a dramatic portrayal of British history.  Great Britain does have a great history, with many magnificent contributions to civilization.   But the job of portraying the history was given to a leftist movie maker (sorry for the redundancy) so what we saw portrayed was a decidedly Marxist view of history.  We apparently can’t get away from that propaganda, even in sports.

Briefly, Peter Boyle’s history went something like this:   In ancient times, everything was green and beautiful.  The background  music was beautiful.  The people were so very happy.

Then the Industrial Revolution was portrayed as the end of everything green.  The scene turned ugly and dark, the music was harsh and dissonant.  And the people were poor and sad, except for the wealthy captains of industry who stood tall in their fine clothes, smoking cigars and smugly observing the scene of destruction before them.  Evil had triumphed.

Later in the saga, there was a long adulatory scene portraying the wonders of Britain’s National Health Service.  Goodness had prevailed after all.  The children were happy and danced with the nurses around the hospital beds.

In the real world, life in the pre-industrial ages was nasty, brutish and short.  At that time you would expect half your kids to die young and the lucky ones who lived could hope to scrape out a very meager existence for 30 years or so.

The Industrial Revolution changed all that.  Division of labor allowed people to be immensely more productive than ever before in history.  For millennia before that, life had changed little for the common man.  Now there was real progress.  Entrepreneurs created a world of choices.  There was increasing prosperity for everyone.  The benefits spread around the world.  Life expectancy improved dramatically.

The advances in medicine from the free enterprise system were spectacular; new drugs and new treatment methods improved the quality of life.   Eventually there was enough prosperity that politicians could buy votes by telling people they would give them “free” medical care.  Of course, nothing is free, and nothing done by government is managed efficiently or economically.  Nothing.  England’s National Health Service proves it.

Yet the Marxist delusions persist.  And Friday night, nearly a billion people watched a dramatic portrayal of false history.

The Narrative is Always Ready

This time it’s about the violence in Colorado….

The narrative is this: Those Tea Party people and talk radio people are dangerous,violent extremists.  The media sell this narrative as fast as they can in any situation where they think it might work.  The technique was most visibly displayed in the Giffords’ shooting in Arizona.  But if you watch the first news report on many violent incidents, you see the media rush to the desired narrative… only to have the narrative undercut when the facts come out.

Sometimes, when the false narrative has been sold well enough, it sticks even when the facts come out.  Many people know, for example, that Sarah Palin was partially responsible for the Giffords shooting.  Rush Limbaugh, too.

Here is how Brian Ross reported on the Colorado shootings on Good Morning America:

“There is a Jim Holmes of Aurora, CO, uh Paige, on the Colorado Tea Party site as well, talking about him joining the Tea Party last summer. We don’t know if this is the same Jim Holmes, but it is Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado.”

Here is what goes through the minds of propagandists like Ross:

We have some violence by a white guy. Great opportunity! Is there any way at all that we can tie this violence to Tea Party people or talk radio people?  Let’s rush to that story first and hope it’s true.  It’s going to be so exciting if it’s finally true this time.  Let’s call the President and see if he wants to get ready for a solemn speech about loving one another.  We’ll put him on prime time.  And then we’ll have some solemn commentary afterward to condemn those Tea Party bastards.

Breitbart was right. The media are the enemy.



Are Race Riots News?

There has been an alarming increase in race mobs in our country and the media is doing it’s very best to cover up this trend.  If a “racist white Hispanic” goes out in his neighborhood for the sole purpose of shooting cute little black boys, that story is worth publishing, even if it is completely false.  But true stories of race-based crimes are not.

Thomas Sowell noticed this and his observations are worth reading in full.

The Only Real Revolution | by Bryce Buchanan

“Happily for America, happily we trust for the whole human race, they pursued a new and more noble course. They accomplished a revolution that has no parallel in the annals of human society. . . . In Europe, charters of liberty have been granted by power. America has set the example . . . of charters of power granted by liberty.”

– James Madison

Throughout history, small groups of men with political power have controlled the masses of men by force. On every continent, stretching back through the centuries, the pattern was essentially the same — a pharaoh, king, emperor or dictator had ultimate control over the lives and fortunes of his subservient followers. The underlings were taught that their proper role was to serve those in power. Whatever small freedoms the common men had were considered to be gifts from the sovereign — gifts which could be taken away if the sovereign chose to do so….

Read the rest at:  The Only Real Revolution | FrontPage Magazine.

The End of Civilization As We Know It.

Economist Northrup Buechner writes:

We may be seeing the beginning of the end of the model for civilized governance that has dominated Western civilization since WWII. That model has been provision by the state of all or most of the needs of its people combined with the popular election of the government. Or, in other words, the welfare state plus democracy.


What we are seeing in Europe is that that model is inherently unsustainable…

It’s a good summary of why the West is in trouble. Check it out here:  Current Events: The End of Civilization As We Know It | Objective Economics.