Obamacare was sold to the public with a series of Big Lies. They were repeated endlessly, and for the most part, they were not challenged by the media. Here is an excellent reminder of the bold lies:
Rational people know that government does not do things efficiently, inexpensively, or well. No thinking person would believe that adding over 100 new government bureaucracies to the provision of health care would decrease costs or improve quality. Just look at the economics of Medicare and Medicaid. Universal health care is an economic black hole of major proportions.
Every once in a while a Democrat politician slips and accidentally makes an honest statement. Here is Max Baucus, Obamacare’s lead author, telling the truth about this disastrous law. Baucus has announced his retirement.
Some people believe that Obamacare was intended to fail. The failure is step one in a two step plan. Step two is to convince people that the only way out of the mess is to have all health care controlled by the government. Game. Set. Match.
In a related story, here is the Tempo Building in Spain. I call it The Obamacare Building. The public was told that it was going to be one of the most magnificent residential buildings in all of Europe, 47 stories tall.
Oops. They forgot to put an elevator beyond the 20th floor. The building, as designed, can’t work and won’t work. The building is a monumental disaster.
The architect has resigned. I am not sure if his name was Baucus.
UPDATE 2: Harry Reid has now admitted that the goal of Obamacare is to destroy private insurance. Obamacare is just step one. Step two is to blame Republicans and insurance companies for the failure of Obamacare. Step three, that Reid says he “absolutely” favors, is access to health care only through government. This is not a surprise, but it is an absolutely stunning admission.