For Them, The Cover Is Everything

TourePiersThere are some particularly despicable men who spend their time promoting racial animosity.  MSNBC employs a few of them as show hosts, including the insufferably arrogant and shallow Toure Neblett .   Toure knows that the proper place for black people in this country is on the Democrat Plantation, where they should be perpetually angry and complaining that there is no real chance for a black man in this country.  As a plantation master, Toure works to stir up anger and to attack blacks who escape the plantation.  Race-baiters like Toure hold black people down as surely as any plantation master ever has.

When Real Men, like Ben Carson, escape the plantation, little men like Toure rush to attack them.  They cannot allow independent thinkers to flourish off the plantation.  Because Dr. Carson is proudly off the plantation, he must be punished.  So the little man recently spent some time ridiculing Dr. Carson on the air, calling him a token “black friend” for Republicans.  Toure said Dr. Carson has “intellectual tumors” and is “unserious”.

With good values and decades of hard work, Ben Carson made it from poverty to the top of his profession as a pediatric neurosurgeon.  People in the Racial Grievance Industry do not like stories like that.  So Toure belittled the accomplishment with an Obama-like ‘you didn’t build that’ rant.  Toure said Carson probably got government backed loans, so the self-made man story about Carson is false. It was government that made him who he is.

The classy Real Man responds to the little man here:

“ I like to say the reason I don’t talk about race that often is because I’m a neurosurgeon. And I look at the thing that actually makes the person who they are. It’s not the cover. But for them the cover is everything, because they’re very superficial thinkers.”

Amen, brother.  To them the cover is everything because they are very superficial thinkers.

When the race-baiters were whipping up race mobs over Trayvon Martin, MSNBC was pushing lies and misinformation as fast as it could.  Toure was in the thick of it and ridiculed CNN host Piers Morgan for allowing Zimmerman’s side of the story on his program.  The resulting on-air battle between Morgan and Toure was an epic display of arrogant ignorance.  You can see a short clip of it here, and it is truly worth watching.  It’s Toure being Toure, and what a pathetic sight it is.

During the Presidential campaign, Toure found racism in every criticism of Obama.  In fact, the criticism of Obama did not sound like racism, so Toure explained it as secret coded racism.  For example, when Romney said Obama was running a campaign of anger and division, Toure said:

“That really bothered me. You notice he said anger twice. He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man. This is part of the playbook against Obama, the ‘otherization,’ he’s not like us.
“… this is ‘niggerization…. You are not one of us, you are like the scary black man who we’ve been trained to fear.”


There were, in fact, campaign ads that included the phrase, “he’s not one of us”.  They were run by Obama in black districts.

Toure said that Paul Ryan,  ”loves this line of ‘our rights come from God and nature’, which is so offensive to so much of America.”   It’s offensive because
“our rights do not come from God or nature…. They come from the government…”

Last October, “The Cycle” hosted Richard Sander and Stuart Taylor Jr., the authors of “Mismatch: How Affirmative Action Hurts Students It’s Intended to Help, and Why Universities Won’t Admit It.”  The book supports the self-evident point that pushing people into schools they are not prepared for does not help them.

Toure called their work “junk science” and said,  “ If we follow your prescription then the entire leadership of America would become entirely white.”

Toure is saying that black people could not succeed on intelligence or merit.  That is a terribly racist thing to say.  And it explains his fear of Dr. Ben Carson.




Why Did Obama Call His Grandfather a “House Nigger”?

In “Dreams From My Father”, Obama wrote this passage about his grandfather:

What Granny had told us scrambled that image completely, causing ugly words to flash across my mind. Uncle Tom. Collaborator. House nigger.”

The reason for the ugly condemnation gives us important insight into our President’s psyche and supports the theme of Dinesh D’Souza”s political documentary, “2016: Obama’s America”. D’Souza believes that the key to understanding Obama is to understand his deep-rooted anti-colonialism. The angry “house nigger” slur comes from that place in Obama. His grandfather had committed the heresy of admiring parts of Western culture. Dinesh explains,

From Obama’s point of view, Onyango’s unforgivable heresy was not merely his admiration of the British, but how this man contemplated the differences between Western and African ways.

When Onyango returned home to his village after his confinement, he began to ponder the question of how the British, from their tiny island, were able to conquer so much of the globe. Here I must quote Sarah Obama on her husband: “He respected the white man for his power, for his machines and weapons and the way he organized his life. He would say that the white man was always improving himself, whereas the African was suspicious of anything new.”

Read the enlightening article here.

This story reminds me of two other stories from Obama’s life. First, when Obama discussed his first job, he characterized himself as being ashamed to be working in a capitalist enterprise. He said he was “working behind enemy lines”. He wondered if he was a “sellout”. He soon left the business world for good and became a community agitator in Chicago….. where he did things like organize anti-capitalist demonstrations against banks, essentially forcing them to give home loans to people who could not pay back the loans. In this way, he helped create the economic mess he “inherited”.

Second, when young Barry Soetero lived in Indonesia, his stepfather took a good paying job with an American oil company. This angered Barry’s mother who did not want her husband working for a capitalist enterprise that was ‘exploiting’ Indonesia (by offering high paying jobs and improving the Indonesian standard of living???). Barry’s real father had similar anti-capitalist views. The acorn did not fall far from the tree. The fact is that the entire forest Barry grew up in had anti-capitalist views.