Breathtaking Ignorance

Hillary Clinton, fresh from her recent triumphs in Middle East diplomacy, took time to speak about economic issues at a New York gathering last night. She was speaking to supporters of her husbands foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative. I didn’t catch the title of her speech, but I think it was, “When are productive people going to do something useful like us politicians?”

Hillary said:


“There are rich people everywhere and yet they do not contribute to the growth of their own countries….

“They don’t invest in public schools, in public hospitals, in other kinds of development internally…

This is breathtaking economic ignorance, exactly like the French Atlas Shrugs story. This is Marxist, class envy nonsense. Could she actually believe that economic growth in a country is a gift from politicians? Could she believe that roads, bridges and hospitals come into existence as noble contributions from politicians who care? Does she not know where the money comes from?

I have a very low opinion of politicians, but I am still shocked by the cluelessness of these statements. These politicians who want to control your life have no idea how the world works. They represent a danger to your liberty and your prosperity.

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